Shaykh al-Yadālī’s Praise of the Prophet




The blessings of my Lord with peace
upon my beloved, the best of creation
Clear and translucent, close by at hand
kind, affectionate, the lion of the gallant
Thus is the Hashimi prophet
Thus is the Exalted, the Guide, the Tihami*
Thus is the Elevated, saviour of the Invincible
Thus is the intercessor on the Day of Resurrection
The essence of Perfection, the essence of Beauty
The axis of Majesty, the axis of Nobility
The negator of error, the dispeller of shadows
The purity of water, for each who thirsts
Abundant in fine qualities, and in distinctions
Abundant in favors, his generosity is overflowing
the finest of qualities, the finest of men
the finest of deeds, the finest of names
the exalted light, exalted in honour
of exalted origin, of exalted station
The full moon of happiness, the fulfiller of promises
The fulfiller of covenants, the fulfiller of rights
The Axis of existence, the sufficiency of the travelers
who brings together the black and the doves
The guide of the servants, guide of the hands
Victor over enemies, victor over oppression/darkness
Protector of (spiritual) realities, the succor of creation
the joy of creation, the sufficiency of the outcasts
Most radiant of intermediaries, the brightest of hosts
Advisor to the majesties, who puts down the accusers
The mountain of his glory, his evident courage
the star of his message, the full moon of completion
Gentle of nature, abundant in virtues
In the midst of creations, in the middle of the group
The manifester of wonders, the guide to the objects of desire
He has troops, lions in their blows
[they are] the black of the  battle, the green of the fields
the white of shari’ah, the red of arrows
Beautiful of face, with eyelids adorned with kohl
He shades and shelters all humanity
Of honourable lineage, and illustrious ancestry
smooth cheeked, the honor of Shem
Of ancient glory and upright guidance
with a face ennobled with peace
His rank is magnificent, splendid to the core
Totally generous and kind, without any severity
Handsome of form, beautiful of character
Eloquent of discourse, most brilliant of speech
A lion of courage, the rain of the clouds
Saviour of the innocent, from every accuser
Trustworthy guide, impregnable stronghold
the firm rope, without split
the utmost limit of his compass is enthralled by his call
the wealth of his foes, the edges of swords
Possessed of miracles, clear and clarifying
and judgements, great and unimpeachable
God manifested his sweetness, radiant
His elevated gaze visited the gazelles of the desert
The wolves are caring and the branches bloom for him
as if they were infatuated with him
And the moon was split for he who ascended
and was delivered with respect
Whom the rock greeted and the sky grew dark
to whom the dead tombstones began to talk
For whom the well gushed forth, whom the free-ranging flock follow
he prayed and the drought became fertile
The sheep became shy and the sun was returned
to him was promised the Abode of Peace
the udders became full, the wild beasts became still
his are the settlements of the lizards of the hills (Medina)
The tree trunks bend, the rain gushes forth
when he points to the clouds
The signs/verses of ṬaHa are unsurpassed in beauty
and never, ever come to an end
O how time has become fragrant and overflowing with perfume
and the loft of pigeons coo
My heart is in his hands, my longing is for him
Give as alms unto him, the purest salutations of peace
Upon the Imam, the highest of mankind
increase the blessings of peace from The Peace
I, in order to praise the best of servants
can only hope for help from his greatness
O you who granted to him what you granted to him
then purified him, grant me my wishes:
Lord, efface from me, all my evil
For I take refuge in Thee
Diminsh my sin and revive my heart
for you are my Lord, who brings to life dead bones
Cover my sins and veil my faults
Remove my troubles and forgive my sins
Fulfill our hopes in you graciously
Forgive tenderly, by this Imam
He takes on our trials, O abundant of gifts,
open for us, the ways of peace
Provide for us, O creator of the creatures
at the moment of death, a beautiful end.




صـلاة ربـي مـع الســـــــــــــلام ** علـى حبيبـي خيـر الأنــــــــــــام
بادي الشفوف داني القطـــــــوف ** بـر عطـوف ليـث همــــــــــــام
ذاك النـبـي الهـاشـمــــــــــــــــي ** ذاك العلي الهـادي التهامــــــــــي
ذاك الرفيـع الغـوث المنيــــــــــع ** ذاك الشفيـع يـوم القـيــــــــــــــام
عين الكمـال عيـن الجمـــــــــــال ** قطب الجـلال قطـب الكـــــــرام
نافي الضلال ضافـي الظــــــلال ** صافـي الـزلال لكـل ظــــــــــام
جم الخصـال جـم المعالــــــــــي ** جـم النـوال نـداهُ هـامـــــــــــــي
زين الخـلال زيـن الرجـــــــــال ** زين الفعال زيـن الأسامِـــــــــي
عالي المنار عالـي الفخـــــــــار ** عالي النجـار عالـي المقـــــــــام
بدر السعود وافـي الوعـــــــــود ** وافي العهـود وافـي الذمـــــــــام
قطب الوجود مغنـي الوفــــــــود ** مدني الأسـود مـن الحمــــــــــام
هادي العباد هـادي الأيــــــــادي ** جال الأعـادي جـال الظــــــــلام
حام الحقائق غوث الخلائــــــق ** صاف الخلائق كـاف الزُّنــــــام
أسنى الوسائل أسنى المحافــــــل ** مسدي الجلائل مردي اللــــئـام
طود الجلاله بـادي البسالـــــــــه ** نجم الرسالـه بـدر التمـــــــــام
سهل السجايـا جـم المزايــــــــــا ** بين البرايـا وسـط النظــــــــام
مبدي العجائب مهدي الرغائــب ** لـه كتائـب أُسـد اللّـطــــــــــــام
سود الوقائع خضر المرابــــــع ** بيض الشرائع حمر السهـــــام
وجه جميـل طـرف كحيـــــــل ** ظـــــــل ظليـل علـى الأنــــــام
فخـر أصيـل مجـد أثـــــــــــيـل ** خد أسيل فـي الفخـر ســــــــــام
عـز قديـم هـدي قـويـــــــــــــم ** وجـه كريـم علـى الســـــــــــلام
جـاه عظيـم مجـد صميــــــــــم **جـود عميـم بـلا انصـــــــــــرام
خَلـق صبيـح خُلـق مليــــــــــح ** نطق فصيـح أسنـى الكـــــــــلام
ليـث جريـئ غيـث مريــــــــئ ** غوث بريـئ مـن كــــــــــل ذام
هادٍ أميـن حصـن حصيـــــــن ** حبـل متيـن بـلا انفصـــــــــــام
نـاء مـداه هــام نــــــــــــــــداه ** مـول عـداه حـد الحســــــــــــام
ذو المعـجـزات المبيـنـــــــــات ** المحكمـات الغـر الـســـــــــــوام
أبـدى الإلـه سنـا حـــــــــــــلاه ** زارت عـلاه ظبـى الـمــــــــــوام
والذئب عنـا والجـذع حنـًـــــى ** لــه وأنــَى كالمستـهـــــــــــــام
والبـدر شُقّـا لمـن ترقــــــــــى ** وبـات يلـقـى بالإحـتــــــــــــرام
والصخر سلم والجـو أظلـــــم ** لـه تكلـم موتـى الـرجــــــــــــام
والبئر فارت والسرح ســـارت ** دعى فصـارت خصــــبـا أزام
والشاة أبدت والشمـــــس ردت ** لـه أُعــدت دار الـســــــــــــلام
والضرع درَّا والوحـش قـــــرَّا ** لـه أقـرا ضــب الأكـــــــــــــام
والجذع خارا والغيـث فـــــارا ** لمَّـا أشـارا إلـى الغـمــــــــــــام
آيـاتُ طـه ليسـت تُباهـــــــــى ** ولا تناهـى علـى الــــــــــــدوام
قلبـي لديـه شوقـي إليــــــــــه ** يزكو عليـه أزكـى الســـــــلام
ماالدهر لاحت ذكـى وفاحـــت ** صبا وناحـت ورق الحمــــــام
علـى الإمـام أعلـى الأنــــــــام ** أنمى السـلام مـن الســـــــــلام
إنـي لشـاد خيـر العـبـــــــــــاد ** راجـى أيـاد منـه عـظـــــــــــام
يامـن حبـاه بمـا حـبــــــــــــاه ** ثم اصطفاه هـب لـي مـــــــرامِ
رب امحُ عني ما كـان منـــــي ** سوءًا فإني بـك اعتصامـــــي
وحـط ذنبـي وأحـي قلبــــــــي ** فأنـت ربـي محـي العظـــــــام
كفّر ذنوبي واستـر عيوبـــــي ** واكشف كروبي واغفر أثامـي
حقـق منانـا فيـك امتنانـــــــــا ** واغفـر حنانـا بـذا الإمـــــــــام
قنا البلايـا وافتـح لنـا يــــــــا ** جـم العطايـا سُبـل الســــــــلام

       وارزق لنا يا بـاري البرايـــا**عند المنايـا حسـن الختــــــــام

muhammad al-qandusi0009



kufic_muhammad hilyekufic





muhammad- muhammadahmadhilye




For the Mawlid



These short Arabic verses by the Persian poet Sa’adi are some of the best known and loved praises on the Prophet:



He attained eminence by his perfection
The darkness was lifted by his beauty
Lovely are all of his qualities
Blessings upon him and his family





بلغ العلى بكماله
كشف الدجى بجماله
حسنت جميع خصاله
صلوا عليه و آله




Khalili hilye cal 459 copyright

Khalili hilye cal 459 copyright








Ibn ‘Arabi: Interpreter of Desires



A beautiful recording of Ibn ‘Arabi’s poetry sung in a ḥaḍrah:



Poem 1:
Who will show me her of the dyed fingers? Who will show me her of the honeyed tongue?
She is one of the girls with swelling breasts who guard their honour, tender, virgin, and beautiful
Full moons over branches: they fear no waning
In a garden of my body’s country is a dove perched on a bough
Dying of desire, melting with passion, because that which befell me hath befallen her
Mourning for a mate, blaming Time, who shot her unerringly, as he shot me
Parted from a neighbor and far from home! Alas, in my time of severance, for my time of union!
Who will bring me her who is pleased with my torment? I am helpless because of that with which she is pleased.


Poem 2:

When she looks, she gazes with the deep eye of a young gazelle: to her eye belongs the blackness of antimony
Her eyes are adorned with languor and deadly magic, her sides are bound with wonder and incomparable beauty
A slender one, she loves not that which I love, and she does not fulfill her promises with sincerity
She let down her braid like a black serpent, to frighten her followers
By God, I fear not death, my only fear is that I shall die and not see her tomorrow.


Poem 3:

Between ‘Adhriyat and Buṣra, a maid of fourteen rose in my sight like the full moon
She was exalted in majesty above time and transcended it in pride and glory
Every full moon, when it reaches perfection, suffers a waning that it may make a complete month,
Except this one: for she does not move through the zodiac signs, nor double what is single
You are a container holding fragrant perfumes, you are a meadow of spring herbs and flowers
Beauty has reached it utmost limit in you, another like you is outside the realm of possibility.


From R.A. Nicholson’s translation of Tarjuman al-ashwaq






1 قصيدة

من لي بمخضوبة البنان
من لي بمعسولة اللسان
من كاعبات ذوات خدر
نواعم خرد حسان
بدور تم على غصون
هن من النقص في امان
بروضة من ديار جسمي
حمامة فوق غصن بان
تموت شوقا تذوب عشقا
لما دهاها الذي دهاني

قصيدة 2

ترنو اذا لحظت بمقلة شادن
يعزى لمقتها سواد الاثمد
بالغنج والسحر القتول مكحل
بالتيه والحسن البديع مقلد
هيفاء ما تهوى الذي اهوى ولا
تف للذي وعدت بصدق الموعد
سحيت غديرتها شجاعا اسودا
لتخيف من يقفو بذاك الاسود
والله ما خفت المنون وانما
خوفي اموت فلا اراها في غد

قصيدة 3

طلعت بين اذرعات وبصري
بنت عشر واربع لي بدرا
قد تعالت على الزمان جلالا
وتسامت عليه فخرا وكبرا
كل بدر اذا تناهى كمالا
جاءه نقصه ليكمل شهرا
غير هذي فما لها حركات
في بروج فما تشفع وترا
حقه اودعت عبيرا ونشرا
روضة انبتت ربيعا وزهرا
انتهى الحسن فيك اقصى مداه
ما بوسع الامكان مثلك اخرى

Processed with VSCOcam with a5 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with a5 preset

Boutchichi Ḥaḍrah

Some of the finest recordings of Ḥaḍrah music I’ve found online are these recordings of a Boutchichi gathering in which they sing a poem by Shaykh ‘abd al-Raḥman Shaghouri :



The Saqi approahced us
and presented the cup to us
So we sipped and quenched our thirst
from the cups of Hamza (al-Hashim in the original poem)
He shouted and took lives as spoils of war
how many corpses has he brought back to life!
Far be it from him that he disappoint at all
whosoever comes with sincerity of intention
Empty your heart for the divine disclosure (tajallī)
and clear your eyes to see fully
And empty yourself of otherness, o friend
and annihilate yourself in the exalted Essence
Drink from the cup openly
and don’t see any shame in drinking
Go mad with love’s thirst and cast off all restraint
in the most holy meanings
Strive in your journey through the waystations
and follow the way of the ancients
Don’t pay any attention to what the blamers say
listening to them is a trial



O joy of my heart and eyes
O my life after death
after my unification and separation
God returned us to God
Live happy o my heart
and fulfill your desire
This is not by my own effort
but only by the grace of God
Everything that is in life is good
there is nothing in it that does not change
Throw away shifting fantasies
you’ll see all is from God
Then we truly see the Real/Truth
and sincerely find sincerity
We will see neither east nor west
apart from Him while God is our sufficiency


Chorus: O the fortunate of the folk, by God they have succeeded
and they don’t see amongst mankind, other than Him


He draws them near to himself and choses them for himself
and they make their meditation transcendent in His exaltedness
and they have no other cares
How have they witnessed His splendour?
He removes the covering veils from them
And they inhale the fragrance of His love
He manifests himself to them in light and glory
So they say, O He, O He!




boutchichi qasidah

