Rumi—Awake! Enter the Cave!


Awake, awake, the time has come, awake!
Without union with him, forsake yourself, forsake!
The heavenly decree has arrived, the healer of lovers has arrived,
If you want him to visit you, become sick, become sick!
Without a trace, without a doubt, he’ll make you rosy-faced
He’ll pluck out the thorn from you hand, become a rosebed, become a rosebed!
Know this breast as a cave, the spiritual retreat of that Friend;
If you’re really the ‘companion of the cave’, then enter the cave, enter the cave!
Once this time has ruined you, laments will be of no avail,
If you want him to restore you, become a restorer, become a restorer!
See the world filled with tumult, see the dominion of the victorious (Manṣūr [al-Ḥallāj])
If you want to become victorious (Manṣūr[al-Ḥallāj), hang on the gallows, hang on the gallows!
As the dawn wind tangles her hair each morning
If you want to savor its scent, become a perfumer ([Farīd al-dīn] ‘Attar), become a perfumer




Alternate Version


Awake! awake! The night has gone, awake!
Forsake, forsake, your own self, forsake!
In our Egypt a stupid fool is selling a Joseph
Don’t believe me, go to the market and see for yourself!
Without a trace, without a doubt, he’ll make you rosy-faced
He’ll pluck out the thorn from you hand, become a rosebed, become a rosebed!
Know this breast as a cave, the spiritual retreat of that Friend;
If you’re really the ‘companion of the cave’, then enter the cave, enter the cave!
Don’t listen to every scheme and spell, don’t wash blood with blood
Like a glass cup, fall over and shatter, be lowly and debased
In the swing of the polo mallet, be the ball! be the ball!
Because of the arrows in its quiver, drop dead! drop dead!
The heavenly decree has arrived, the healer of lovers has arrived,
If you want him to visit you, become sick, become sick!
Know this breast as a cave, the spiritual retreat of that Friend;
If you’re really the ‘companion of the cave’, then enter the cave, enter the cave!
You’re a fine man, but naive, offering gold to thieves
If you want to recognize the thieves, be an outlaw, be an outlaw!
Hush! Silence the description of the sea and float within its depths
If you want to learn to dive, grow fins! grow fins!


 بیدار شو بیدار شو هین رفت شب بیدار شو
 بيزارشو بيزارشو وز خويش هم بيزار شو
در مصر ما يك احمقي نك مي فروشد يوسفي
باور نمي داري مرا اينك سوي بازار شو
بي چون ترا بي چون كند روي ترا گلگون كند
 خار از كفت بيرون كند وانگه سوي گلزار شو
مشنو تو هر مكر و فسون خون را چرا شويي به خون
 همچون قدح شو سرنگون وانگاه دردي خوارشو
در گردش چوگان او چون گوي شو چون گوي شو
وز بهر نقل كركسش مردارشو مردارشو
آمد نداي آسمان آمد طبيب عاشقان
 خواهي كه آيد پيش تو بيمارشو بيمارشو
اين سينه را چون غار دان خلوتگه آن يار دان
گر يار غاري هين بيا در غار شو در غار شو
تو مرد نيك ساده اي زر را به دزدان داده اي
خواهي بداني دزد را طرار شو طرار شو
خاموش وصف بحر و در كم گوي در درياي او
 خواهي كه غواصي كني دم دارشو دم دارشو


What is this drunkeness?

A current favorite Ghazal of Hafez, a sublime wedding of melody and meanings


I known not what this drunkenness is that to us he brought
and who is the Saqi and from where is this wine that he brought?
What tune is this musician playing so skillfully
that in the midst of his song, my friend’s words, he’s brought
You too, grab some wine and take the desert road
For the songbird, sweet-sounding music, has brought
With goodness and joy, let the rose and daffodil arrive
The violet came happily, and purity the jasmine brought
The east wind is Solomon’s hoopoe in bringing us good news
For glad tidings from Sheba’s rose garden it has brought
O heart don’t complain of your state, knotted-up like a bud
for the knot-untying morning breeze, the dawn wind has brought
The cure for our heart’s weakness is the Saqi’s smile
Come—for the healer has arrived, and the remedy he’s brought
I am the disciple of the Magian Pir, don’t worry about me, O Shaykh
For you’ve made the promises, but he’s brought them to pass
I am amazed at that Turkish warrior
who attacked a poor dervish like me!
Heaven will be Hafez’s servant and work obediently
Now that seeking refuge, to your door, he’s brought



چه مستیست ندانم که رو به ما آورد
که بود ساقی و این باده از کجا آورد
چه راه مى زند اين مطرب مقام شناس
كه در ميان غزل قول آشنا آورد
تو نیز باده به چنگ آر و راه صحرا گیر
که مرغ نغمه سرا ساز خوش نوا آورد
رسیدن گل و نسرین به خیر و خوبی باد
بنفشه شاد و کش آمد سمن صفا آورد
صبا به خوش خبری هدهد سلیمان است
که مژده طرب از گلشن سبا آورد
دلا چو غنچه شکایت ز کار بسته مکن
که باد صبح نسیم گره گشا آورد
علاج ضعف دل ما کرشمه ساقیست
برآر سر که طبیب آمد و دوا آورد
مرید پیر مغانم ز من مرنج ای شیخ
چرا که وعده تو کردی و او به جا آورد
به تنگ چشمی آن ترک لشکری نازم
که حمله بر من درویش یک قبا آورد
فلک غلامی حافظ کنون به طوع کند
که التجا به در دولت شما آورد

Loving TaHa is Delightful

One of my favorite poems in praise of the Prophet, from Mauritania:

Translation (a bit of liberty taken to approximate the metre of the original poem):

Loving TaHa is delightful…How lovely is that Great Noble!
He’s the treasure of creation, and to all goodness, a doorway
And he’s peace and our protection, and he’s food and our refreshment
He’s a pearl and he’s a treasure, he’s the kernel and quintessence
The land without love of TaHa…is a wasteland so forsaken
And hearts without love of TaHa…are ruins, wrecked and desolated
And in each and every heart is….a portion from TaHa’s passion
He’s the soul’s enchantment, truly…and he is the answered prayer
No beloved can distract you….from him, nor hearts, nor violins
Without that, I don’t care at all…for any blessing or torment


ُحبُ طه يُستطاب .. حبّذا ذاك الجناب ..
ُفهو ذخرٌ للبرايا .. و هو للخيرات باب ..
ُو هو أمنٌ و أمانٌ .. و طعامٌ و شراب ..
ُو هو درٌ و هو كنزٌ .. و هو لبٌّ و لُباب ..
ُإنَّ أرضاً ليس فيها .. حبُ طهَ ليَباب ..
ُو قلوباً ليس فيها .. حبُ طه لخراب ..
ُفليكنْ في كل قلْبٍ .. من هوىَ طهَ نصاب ..
ُفهو رُقيا النفسِ حقاً .. و الدعاء المستجاب ..
ُلا تُملْكُم عنه ميٌّ .. أو لُبابٌ أو رَباب ..
ُلا تبالُوا بنعيمٍ .. دون ذاكَ أو عقاب ..

Thank God the tavern is open


One of Hafez’s most musical and delightful ghazals:


Thank God the tavern door is finally open
for I’ve pressed my face to its door in need
The wine vats are gushing and roaring drunk
And that wine here is real and not metaphorical
He is all drunkenness, pride, and arrogance
we are all desperation, weakness, and need
The secret I never told the stranger and never will
I’ll tell the friend, for he is secrets’ intimate
The description of the wavy curls of his locks
cannot be made short, for it is a long story
It is the burden of Majnun’s heart and Layla’s curved tress
It is Mahmud’s face and the sole of Ayaz’s foot
Like the hawk, I’ve closed my eyes to the whole world
since I opened them to your beautiful face
Whoever enters the Ka’aba of your street
stands in prayer before the qibla of your eyebrow
O people of the assembly, about the agony of poor Hafez’s heart
ask the candle which is burning and melting…

(modified from Reza Saberi’s translation in The Divan of Hafez, p. 51)




المنة لله که در میکده باز است
زان رو که مرا بر در او روی نیاز است
خم‌ها همه در جوش و خروشند ز مستی
وان می که در آن جاست حقیقت نه مجاز است
از وی همه مستی و غرور است و تکبر
وز ما همه بیچارگی و عجز و نیاز است
رازی که بر غیر نگفتیم و نگوییم
با دوست بگوییم که او محرم راز است
شرح شکن زلف خم اندر خم جانان
کوته نتوان کرد که این قصه دراز است
بار دل مجنون و خم طره لیلی
رخساره محمود و کف پای ایاز است
بردوخته‌ام دیده چو باز از همه عالم
تا دیده من بر رخ زیبای تو باز است
در کعبه کوی تو هر آن کس که بیاید
از قبله ابروی تو در عین نماز است
ای مجلسیان سوز دل حافظ مسکین
از شمع بپرسید که در سوز و گداز است