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3rd International Tax Law Congress


3rd International Tax Law Congress – Emerging Markets in the New Economic Order: International Tax Issues
(USP – University of São Paulo School of Law and IBDT – Brazilian Tax Law Institute. São Paulo, Brazil.)

“III Congresso de Direito Tributário Internacional: o IBDT promoverá, em conjunto com o Departamento de Direito Econômico, Financeiro e Tributário da Faculdade de Direito da USP, nos dias 17 e 18 de agosto, o III Congresso Brasileiro de Direito Tributário Internacional. Trata-se de evento acadêmico internacional ímpar em seu gênero, com a proposta de debater temas de vanguarda do Direito Tributário Internacional. O Congresso contará com a participação, já confirmada, de ilustres professores e especialistas estrangeiros e visa a proporcionar aos advogados, estudantes e professores pátrios uma oportunidade única de integração e discussão com os mais renomados especialistas do exterior na temática do direito tributário internacional.” (

IFA Annual Congress: Vancouver, 2009 (30 Aug – 4 Sep.)


IFA Annual Congress:

2009 Vancouver, Canada (30 August – 4 September)

Welcome Message


The Canadian branch of IFA invites you to take part in the 63rd Congress of the International Fiscal Association in Vancouver British Columbia, Canada August 30 through September 4, 2009.

The annual IFA Congress is considered the most important IFA event of the year. The 2009 scientific programme has been designed to be of keen interest to tax practitioners, in-house tax advisors, academics and government officials. The main subjects are:

      Subject 1 – Is there a permanent establishment?
      Subject 2 – Foreign exchange issues in international taxation

Vancouver is one of the world’s most spectacular cities, sitting at the edge of the Pacific Ocean, and nestled in and around the slopes of the towering Coast Mountain Range. A superb and diverse Social Events Program and tourist activities are planned. Each event is planned to provide you with the opportunity to experience the super natural beauty, rich and diverse culture of British Columbia.  We promise you and your family an exceptional experience.

The Canadian Organizing Committee for the 2009 Congress encourages you to mark your calendars and to make every effort to attend.  The warm hospitality of your Canadian colleagues awaits you.

We look forward to welcoming you to Vancouver in 2009! 

Albert Baker
Congress Co-Chair 

Robert Raizenne
Congress Co-Chair


Mot de bienvenue

La section canadienne de l’AFI vous invite cordialement à participer au 63Congrès annuel de l’Association fiscale internationale, qui aura lieu à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique, Canada du 30 août au 4 septembre 2009.

Le congrès annuel de l’AFI est vu comme l’un des plus importants événements annuels de cette Association. Le programme scientifique de 2009 a été conçu pour intéresser particulièrement les fiscalistes, les conseillers fiscaux privés, les professeurs d’université et les représentants des gouvernements. Les principaux sujets à l’ordre du jour seront :

      Sujet 1 – Interprétation de la définition d’établissement stable
      Sujet 2 – Problèmes de taux de change en fiscalité internationale

Vancouver, l’une des villes les plus spectaculaires du monde, est située au bord de l’océan Pacifique et nichée au pied des montagnes et sur les pentes de la chaîne côtière. Un programme des plus intéressants comportant une variété d’événements sociaux diversifiés et d’activités touristiques a été prévu. Chaque événement a été planifié afin de vous permettre de faire l’expérience de ces superbes beautés naturelles de la Colombie-Britannique et de sa culture riche et diversifiée. Nous vous promettons, à vous et à votre famille, une expérience exceptionnelle et tout à fait unique.

Le comité organisateur du Congrès 2009 vous incite à inscrire le congrès dans votre agenda dès maintenant et à faire tous les efforts possibles pour y assister.  Vos collègues canadiens vous accueilleront chaudement.

Nous vous attendons sans faute à Vancouver en 2009! 

Albert Baker
Co-président du congrès 

Robert Raizenne
Co-président du congrès




João Dacio Rolim Fundação Getulio Vargas Eduardo Baistrocchi Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Philip Postlewaite Northwestern University


Direito Tributário Internacional











June 3-5 – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

         Objectives of the program

            With a strong practical approach, the program is aimed at the study of cases involving investments from the USA, Latin America, Europe and Asia in Latin America and investments from Latin America in the USA, Latin America, Europe and Asia. The program will be dedicated to the exam of troublesome issues related to transfer pricing, operation of the Latin America treaty network and international tax planning.

LAITP III has as mission to offer professionals dedicated to tax matters an intensive and qualified program on International Tax Law. Tax professors, tax authorities, and tax consultants will share their experiences on the matter.




            First Day

June 3rd

Hours:8h                   Transfer Pricing. Controversial issues.Professors:



Eduardo Baistrocchi, Universidad Torcuato Di TellaJoão Dácio Rolim, Fundação Getúlio Vargas

Philip Postlewaite, Northwestern University

Tom O’Shea, London University


          Perspective of the Tax Administration:

ARG  Cecilia Ventura, Head of the International Transactions Department of the Federal Administration of Public Revenue

BRA  Marcos Valadão, General Coordinator of International Affairs of the Federal Revenue of Brazil

CHI   Ricardo Escobar, General Director of the Internal Tax Services

MEX Jorge Antonio Libreros Calderón, Central Administrator for International Rules of the Tax Administration Service

URU  Álvaro Romano, Director of Tax Advisory of the Income General Direction


            Perspective of the Taxpayers:

ARG    Sebastián López-Sansón, Estudio O`Farrell

BRA    Marcos Catão, Fundação Getútlio Vargas

CHI     Eduardo Lagos, Estudio Etcheberry

MEX   Luis Trillo, Trillo, Alonso & Fernández del Valle, S.C.

URU    Juan Ignacio Fraschini, Fraschini & Asociados

Moderator: Eduardo Baistrocchi, Universidad Torcuato di Tella


            Third Day

June 5th


8h                   International Tax Planning in Latin America. Tax consequences in Europe, the USA and Asia.Professors:


ARG  Eduardo Meloni, Professor of UTDT

BRA  Marcos Valadao, General Coordinator of International Affairs of the Federal Revenue of Brazil

Gilberto Ayres Moreira, Rolim, Godoi, Viotti & Leite Campos 

CHI   Eduardo Lagos, Estudio Etcheberry

UK     Tom O´Shea, London University

USA  Philip Postlewaite, Northwestern University

Moderator: Philip Postlewaite, Northwestern University

 Click here to order the program.                                                              




8:30 to 12:30h

14:30 to 18:30h


JW Marriott Hotel

Rio de Janeiro

Avenida Atlantica, 2600 Copacabana

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Materials and Certificateof Conclusion

Program Information:


Tel: (55 21) 3543-1800Email:

Click Here to order the program.


Ana Lúcia Faruolo

Tel: (55 21) 3543-1800  


 Forum executive information (55 21) 3543-1800






Paolo di Capitani, Studio Uckmar Associazzione ProfessionaleSebastián López Sansón, Estudio O´Farrell

Luis Eduardo Schourei, Fundação Getúlio Vargas


        Perspective of the Tax Administration:

ARG Cecilia Ventura, Head of the International Transactions Department of the Federal Administration of Public Revenue


CHI   Ricardo Escobar, General Director of the Internal Tax Services

MEX Jorge Antonio Libreros Calderón, Central Administrator for International Rules of the Tax Administration Service

URU Álvaro Romano, Director of Tax Advisory of the Income General Direction


            Perspective of the Taxpayers:

ARG      Sebastián López-Sansón, Estudio O`Farrell

BRA      Elen Orsini, Orsini Consultoría – Tributação Internacional

CHI       Eduardo Lagos, Estudio Etcheberry

MEX     Luis Trillo, Trillo, Alonso & Fernández del Valle, S.C.

URU      Juan Ignacio Fraschini, Fraschini & Asociados

Moderator: João Dacio Rolim, Fundação Getúlio Vargas



            Second Day

June 4th


8h                   Double Tax Treaties Interpretation and Application in Developing Countries.

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