
Audience Activity and Everyday Life 1999~2003
This project investigates the role of media and information communication technology (ICT) in Japanese society, exploring how, in their various ways of engaging with the media in everyday life, Japanese audiences reflexively ‘create’ and ‘recreate’ their sense of self and the social groups to which they belong.  This research is an ethnography of so-called ‘modern’ Japanese families living in the media-rich Tokyo Metropolitan Area.

☆Takahashi, T. (2003)Media, Audience Activity and Everyday LifeThe Case of Japanese Engagement with Media and ICT.Doctoral Dissertation. The London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London.

Professor Sonia Livingstone, LSE, UK

Upgrade Thesis Committee:
Professor Roger Silverstone and Dr. Nick Couldry, LSE, UK

Professor David Morley, Goldsmith’s College and Professor John Tomlinson, Nottingham Trent University

Media Coverage of Princess Diana’s Death, 1997
September 1997.  Princess Diana’s funeral was broadcast all over the world and become one of the greatest global media events ever.  How did people engage with media and react to the intense media coverage?  Twenty-six people were interviewed in front of Kensington Palace and at Hyde Park during the week between Diana’s death and funeral.  My fieldwork in London investigates the diversity of audiences – previous research had tended to regard a media event audience as a single passive mass recipient.

☆Takahashi, T. (1998b) A Qualitative Study of Diversity of Audience Activity: A Case Study on Media Coverage of Princess Diana’s Death.
The Research Bulletin of the Institute of Socio-Information and Communication Studies 10: 207-226. (in Japanese)

Active Audience 1995~1998
This project is a series of “human beings and television pictures” funded by Hoso Bunka Foundation.  The Active Audience Research Group conducted the survey on audience activity of Musashino Mitaka CATV audiences in a rich media environment.

☆Takahashi, T. (1998a)Audience Activity in TV viewing. In Takeuchi et al. (eds) The Changing Media Environment and the Conception of Audience. NHK Housou Bunka Foundation, pp.55-65. (in Japanese)