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The Google Cluster Architecture:

How does Google serve more than 200 million searches per day? Via Tig’s corner. Want more, here are the papers written by Googlers.

The Google Cluster Architecture: …

Devalue blogs on google?

More discussion of this with a pinch of politics added. Will it happen? In the 10 things that google has found to be true, “Focus on the user and all else will follow” is 1 and “You can make money without doing evil” is 6th.

Focus on the user Inorder to decide on the fate of blogs on google, let us look at what the users want. If I am searching for “NEC tablet”, will I want a post from a famous blogger or, a post by someone, which got lots of links, or no results from blogs?
As a buyer I would trust an independent source more than the NEC site, so I need blogs / independant review sites in my results. I would be less interested in a post by a famous blogger than a post which got lots of links. I think google is already doing this effectively.

Is it evil? The next question is will devaluing blogs be considered as evil? This is where public opinion comes in. If lots of people think it is evil, it is.
I think it is. If the majority of the people also think the same, google cannot damage its carefully constructed “good” google image. The people who decide this are mostly bloggers. You can predict what their vote will be. Unless google gets lots of feedback from other sources, that devaluing blogs is good, it is pretty unlikely that it will happen.

Devalue blogs on google? …

Blogs and Spam:

One place that all bloggers and search engines look to find weblogs is and blogger changes.xml file. These are the present authorities which defines what a weblog is. So, what if spammers wage a spam war on these sites, how do we block them? There was an interesting discussion about this on Daves demo site. The best solution I think that came up was, a vouching system where every new blog has to be vouched by someone before it came on the weblogs list (by Steven Nieker). If a blog turns out to be spam, the voucher gets spanked.

My solution to spam: Let us start by looking at what spam is. Spam is basically unwanted email, right? So, how do we get the computers to know what we want and what we don’t want? Write some AI code? NO. Just let people sort the weblogs they visit into a directory structure and look at what they like The persian blogs then go into their own directory and the bulk e-mailers (thats what spammers call themselves) go into their own directory. Everyone gets what they want. visitors will put the sites they visit into the directory structure in another frame. Now has two things, the number of people that clicked on a blog and the directory locations of that blog. Lots of interesting things may arise out of this metadata.

Home Automation and Flash:

How do they come together? Chris MacGregor has his hand in Flazoom, “the place to find newest flash” and HaGeeks, a blog on Home Automation control systems.

Googleguy, Flash practices and Gizmodo

Who is GoogleGuy? There is a blog dedicated to his comments, GoogleGuySays. Via Google blog. Also, want to see a young google?

Architect Flash Apps: Mike Chambers, a Flash MX expert at Macromedia, explains a practice that works well. Also links to the Action script standards white paper.

Gizmodo The Gadgets weblog, neatly seperated into categories.

Believe in the Web

You can find anything. The mind is a beautiful thing. It can bring very dissimilar things together and show a solution to any problem. The result of this realization is that, the first thing to do when there is a problem is “ask the web“. We are just learning to do this. Count the number of times you struggled for a solution and it was just a click away!!! The world was a very big place when it started. Industrial revolution made the whole world a country. Electronics made it a global village. The web currently brought us in to a room. If we all believe in the web, we will have the same brain. 🙂

Trackback, NO. Clickback YES:

I still don’t get it why trackback is needed. You can always get the information on, who is linking to your site, from a search engine Any pings that you get from trackback will be incomplete, so a search engine is needed any way. Now that Technorati released its API, even the means is there. What I would really like is to know where people are going from my site. What do they look at and what are people interested in? There is no way of knowing that with the present system, unless everyone shares their logs. But logs are not spam proof, they get refferal spam. Clickback is the way to go.
PS: Forgot about tracking the clicks by putting a gate way, but its dirty. Thanks to Roger Benningfield for his comments

Design follows Users or Users follow Design?

Peter Merholz shows how landscape designers at UC Berkeley are not obeying what real people actually want to do. In the comments an interesting second take arises, that designers are people too, and that there is indeed sometimes a reason for guiding people away from certain choices which can impose long-term costs on others.” via John Dowdell

Design follows Users or Users follow Design? …

One Show

Interactive Design Awards by Yahoo. Neat stuff. Also via John Dowdell

One Show …

“Sean Neville, Macromedia guy on Rich Internet Applications

“It seperates the Model from the Views, there is no view data flying all over the web. Only changes to the model are sent around, so it is efficient.” The view has logic right, what does it do? Answer. lies in Interfaces and Habits.

“Sean Neville, Macromedia guy on Rich Internet Applications …

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