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Stop. Watch? Go? Wait!

For the last few days, I used a stopwatch to time some of my activities. In fact, my stopwatch looks exactly like the one in the photo: a promotional from Apple, I think.

Here’s the thing: I realized that I’m too often in a rush (or actually late). I also recently read that people who behave as I do are typically underestimating how long it takes to do a task. These people (that’d be yours truly) always think they can cram in “just one more thing.”

Does. Not. Work.

And yes sir, my stopwatch experiment confirmed it.

The other fatal flaw I have is procrastination, which stems from both perfectionism as well as a hankering for excitement. I crave that adrenaline rush of getting something done at the last minute. But while my perfectionism makes me fearful, my wish for excitement makes me careless. And I’m losing track of time. I’d call that a lose-lose.

No, wait: it’s a lose-lose-lose. Triple crown in the loser sweepstakes.

I won’t reveal what my stopwatch told me, or report out on further plans to change my ways. Let’s just say I’m working on it …stopwatch in hand.

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