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Saturday, March 1st, 2014...1:58 am

Allah as Light

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We commonly associate the might and awe of Allah with light. In this picture, I played with the idea of God as light. In the image we see a woman reading from the Qur’an, which in the image is, the source of light. Everything surrounding her is dark and blurred, however the text is illuminated before her and brings light to her own features. The contrast between the black and white helps to emphasize this interpretation of the image. The severe difference between the dark and light is forced upon the viewer. By creating this dramatic scene, I sought to elucidate the underlying meaning–the word of god is light and everything good. The Book may be represented as a saving grace, a light to the needy when all is dark.

As a representation of light, the word of God should be respected as holy; it was dictated by Allah. In this way it is able to bring enlightenment to the reader. The Qur’an is a tool and product of Allah and an embodiment of His wisdom. In the image, her face and the book itself are the areas with the most light. These areas draw the viewers attention and connect them, the book with the head–the “leader” of our body. By reading the Book, the woman experiences the light of the God and learns. This image attempts to show that education and the illusory, divine power that comes from an understanding of the Quran.


Special thanks to Kat Tchebotareva.

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