My Web Log Experiment – Month 2

Two-month status report

see one-month status report here

In month two, I tried to tame myself from blogging’s addictions. Following links until my eyes pop out… Checking my referrers list… tracking hits to my website from my blog and elsewhere. I’ve instituted a no-blogging rule on myself during a typical workday. Knowing that such rules are meant to be broken, I have still managed to blog, although my post rate is down from last month, but my billable hours and social life are up!

Content vs. Frequency

I’ll keep this short, as I’ve come to appreciate that in a fellow blogger. While the human element is a great aspect of blogging, I don’t have patience for blogging that turns into yadda, yadda, yadda. As basically a business blogger (yes, I admit it), I believe blogs should add value, not suck time out of a person’s busy life (yours and mine). My philosophy that I will offer to others to subscribe to is: Only blog when you have something to say! A daily blog for the sake of being daily isn’t necessary as I see it. We all experience information overload. My hope for weblogs is that they act as useful filters of the information heap, rather than adding to it. These are high hopes, I realize, but what I believe will differentiate valuable bloggers from the yadda yadda crowd. (Feel free to disagree. I’d like to hear your thoughts).

Speaking of filters… I find tools like technorati, daypop, google and organica, and bloggdex to name a few to be the key to the future for their ability to search and filter web log entries. And while I haven’t spent the time to learn to use any of the news aggregators, I believe the RSS feed will change the world. I’m just an average user… a communicator… Here’s to the tool makers!

Net Effects

In month 2 my “networth” inched up in link strength. In addition to Denise Howell of Bag and Baggage adding me to her blog roll, My Shingle and linked to me. Both Bespacific
and a german weblogger linked to my Intro to Weblogs for Law Marketing article and the german blogger even added my New Hampshire Law Firm client’s web site to it resources list! (kinda kooky!) Others have found my blog via Google and Daypop on searches on for “FCC” and “Amy Cambell” and “web logs” and such. As a result, I’ve been contacted by a few folks inquiring about my services. So far it’s translated into some nice conversations.

In summary for month 2, nothing startling. More of the same. Traffic increased slightly over last month. Leaving me at position 39 in the Harvard Web Logs Rankings list with 3,505 visits

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One comment on “My Web Log Experiment – Month 2
  1. Denise Howell says:

    You’re off to a great start!