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Memorial Day (then my vacation!)

As a friend of mine goes on Active Duty on Wednesday(and will likely end up in Iraq at some point), I think I’ll look at this Memorial Day a little differently than in the past. Not that I haven’t always appreciated our Veterans, this one is just a little bit harder.

So, thank you, Vets – past and present – for everything you do for this country and for my freedom!

Every year, we take Memorial Day week off so we can mulch the yard, plant flowers, etc. At this point, it seems like it has rained for four weeks straight (I’m exaggerating, but barely!). The last few days has brought us a May N’oreaster and I’m figuring there can only be so much water up there so hopefully, we’ll have a decent week weather-wise.

Of course, a day or two of not so great weather translates into a couch potato day, so I certainly don’t mind that, either!

I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday weekend! I’ll post again when I return!

Published in:Uncategorized |on May 27th, 2005 |3 Comments »

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3 Responses to “Memorial Day (then my vacation!)”

  1. Stacy Says:

    Have a great vacation Mary!

  2. Stacy Says:

    Have a great vacation Mary!

  3. Rodney Flattery Says:

    Have a super Memorial Day weekend, but remember the reason: the vets who made the sacrifice for us.