User driven service bingo

If Twitter does everything Dave says they should do, they’d make a helpful move toward bingo on Joe Andrieu’s checklist of user-driven services. Here’s the list:

  1. Impulse from the User
  2. Control
  3. Transparency
  4. Data Portability
  5. Service Endpoint Portability
  6. Self Hosting
  7. User Generativity
  8. Improvability
  9. Self-managed Identity
  10. Duty of Care

See how you’d score ’em.

5 responses to “User driven service bingo”

  1. When was the last time a corporation did that?
    I would trust Apache group or something like that to provide some leadership here for a service like Twitter.

  2. Actually, email services come pretty close to those standards, if you have your own domain name.

    That means that AT&T, MCI, Cox, Earthlink, and a whole bunch of others do that every day. Of course, it took AT&T and MCI years to allow email outside the system, but eventually they did it.

    For corporations with their eyes open, they’ll see the same writing is on the wall: Open up or get left behind.

  3. […] User driven service bingo- Doc Searls Weblog, August 10, 2009 […]

  4. […] User driven service bingo | Doc Searls Weblog: A checklist of activities to see whether some web service or other is truly “user driven”. Does this apply to organisations too? […]

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