Requirements for Students Traveling Abroad

We realize that many students will be traveling abroad over the course of the year and wish to remind you of the required procedures.  Harvard University requires ALL students who are traveling under university auspices (that is, receiving either credit or funding) prior to departure to:

register the trip in the Harvard Travel Registry.  This enables the University to locate you quickly and provide assistance in the event of an emergency (i.e. natural disaster, civil unrest, etc). Registering is required for all students traveling on trips funded or arranged by the University and strongly recommended for everyone.  Students should create a profile in the Travel Registry and then record their specific travel information and make sure the information stays up-to-date.

review, sign and return the appropriate Assumption of Risk and General Release

obtain an International SOS membership card and review the program’s services

In addition, HLS students should review Harvard’s Global Support Services’ travel risk ratings.  Students who are considering travel to an area that is categorized as high-risk must:

complete and submit the Questionnaire for Graduate Student Travel

consult with Steve Taylor, Associate Director of International Safety and Security

This is necessary for travel in conjunction with courses or clinics as well as independent travel.  Please be aware that HLS may advise against — and may even withhold support for — travel that is deemed to pose excessive risk.

For more information on each of these steps, and traveling abroad in general, please be sure to visit our international travel webpage.

If you have questions, you may contact Sara Zucker, Director of International Legal Studies Programs.

We wish you the best for safe and productive travels.

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