Dolphin Slaughter Creates Red Sea in Japan

Fishermen work on a boat filled with freshly caught dolphins while a
diver prepares to submerge in the blood-filled water near the fishing
town of Taiji in Wakayama Prefecutre in this photo taken Friday, Oct.
6, 2003 by American anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
Fishermen in this western Japanese town regularly conduct dolphin hunts
during the October to April season. They’ve caught more than 60 striped
dolphins so far this year under the government quota system which allows
22,275 to be caught. The meat is usually canned and sold in supermarkets.(AP

the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

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2 Responses to Dolphin Slaughter Creates Red Sea in Japan

  1. Captain Poopdeck says:

    You do realize that the red color of the water has been severely Photoshoped? Yes I know that has nothing to do with the message they are trying to get across but its so badly overdone as to be laughable. A persons mind say “They tried too hard so they must be trying to influence me in a direction other than the simple truth.

    By the way … I have never had anyone answer this question for me. Why is it so horrible when a dolphin dies but no one cares a wit about a Tuna dying? Tuna have no feelings? Tuna are not cute? Tuna cannot make those talkie sounds? What is it?

  2. Thorlwald the Swede says:

    I second that!

    Not only is the photoshopping laughable but it pretty accurately represents the entire animal rights-theme. How come only the cute animals deserve to live a free healthy life? I have never seen anyone picket for the preservation of the naked molerat or garden slug, nor do I think I ever will.

    As soon as someone kills anything remotely like a pet or in a systematic fashion people speak wildly about animal right and death-industry, but no one ever talks about the poor lemmings. Granted, lemmings are abundant and kill themselves eventually, but that doesn’t mean they have no feelings, does it? I would sooner protect a lemming mother of 37 from a malevolant, sadistic arctic fox than a bottlenose bastard prone to rape and homicide from a jolly japanese man.

    And what about all the frogs and snails the french gob down each year? Is it easier to deal with if the animal can’t scream perhaps? I admit that a dolphin with a slit throat make a really horrible noise, but so does a bunny. Where the hell is PETA on that matter?

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