A Dozen Roses and a YoMoZaHo Coffee

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) – Iranians love Danish
pastries, but when they look for the flaky dessert at the bakery they
now have to ask for "Roses of the Prophet Muhammad."

Bakeries across the capital were covering up their ads for Danish pastries
Thursday after the confectioners’ union ordered the name change in retaliation
for caricatures of the Muslim prophet published in a Danish newspaper.

"Given the insults by Danish newspapers against the prophet, as of
now the name of Danish pastries will give way to ‘Rose of Muhammad’ pastries," the
union said in its order.

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (DB) – In retaliation for the
recently announced order from the Tehran Confectioners Union that henceforth
Danish pastries must be refered to as "Roses of the Prophet Muhammad.",
the Copenhagen City Council has unanamously passed a decree that all
Turkish Coffee must be sold as "YoMoZaHo Coffee". In
addition, all iterations of the classic arcade game "PacMan" must be
relabeled as "Freedom of Expression Man".

from AP News

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One Response to A Dozen Roses and a YoMoZaHo Coffee

  1. Randy Bush says:

    does this not remind you of ‘freedom fries?’

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