Joint Task Force Diet

NEW YORK — A detective suspended after testing positive for drugs says his wife served him meatballs spiked with marijuana because she wanted to keep him out of harm’s way by forcing him to retire.

An administrative judge believed him, and recommended earlier this week that Nicholas Chiofalo be reinstated. Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly has yet to decide what to do.

Chiofalo, a 22-year-veteran assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force, was suspended without pay last year after a random drug test found marijuana in his system. The officer denied using drugs.

In a probe, his wife said she had substituted marijuana for oregano in her meatball recipe. The detective’s lawyers presented evidence that she had passed a lie-detector test, and offered testimony from a toxicologist that the excuse was valid.

Chiofalo, a 22-year-veteran assigned to the
Joint Terrorism Task Force, looks like he’s been
dealing with the munchies for some time now.
No wonder he’s part of the "Joint" task force!

from the Chicago Sun Times

A late finalist in the "Waddevayuh say" World’s Weakest Excuse contest. As one of this year’s judges, the Dowbrigade will have to think long and hard before awarding the coveted Golden Boner. We were leaning toward the airport security line "It must be my cousin’s backpack". As far as the meatballs go, could we get Norma Yvonne a peek at the recipe….

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One Response to Joint Task Force Diet

  1. StrongandFit says:

    Marijuana meatballs? I used to work as a drug abuse counselor–I never heard that one!

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