Fat Cats Welcome Company

WASHINGTON – The obesity epidemic has spread to man’s best friend, and so many dogs are getting fat that the government stepped in Friday by approving the first doggie diet pill.

The Food and Drug Administration announced the approval of Slentrol, a prescription drug that can suppress Fido’s appetite while also blocking the absorption of fat from his treats.

”This is a welcome addition to animal therapies,” said the FDA’s Stephen Sundloff. "Dog obesity appears to be increasing.”

Experts blamed the same factors that cause people to get fat: too much food and not enough exercise.

from the Miami Herald

Our cats are still laughing….

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17 Responses to Fat Cats Welcome Company

  1. Mom says:

    May You could ask readers who own overweight cats to send snapshots of their beloved pets also. Does the diet pill work for felines, too?
    Love, Mom

    p.s. As you know my cat is not a candidate for medical intervention.

  2. Anonymous says:


  3. me says:

    u fat bastards

  4. la says:

    Do you want to kill your dog??

  5. la says:

    La:You are going to make him explode!!

    LaLa:Is he/she dead yet??

    Sca:That’s just disgusting how fat the dog is!

    Ya: How do they walk??

    Jack:That’s just sad…

  6. Jessy says:

    How much does that dog weigh any way. HE IS HUGE! Still cute.

  7. dalia says:

    your dog would be much cuter if you didnt feed him/her so much food.

  8. Anonymous says:

    That’s silly. Fat cats are the cutest thing around. I wish my cats were fat.

  9. moopa says:

    THIS DISGUTES ME! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Feeding dogs a bunch of pills is not the answer… The answer is a proper diet with a low fat meat and all natural dog treats. Never feed your dog junk food.

  11. That poor dog… Dogs like people need a good healthy diet, not pills.

  12. Dog Parents should be held accountable for the health of their dogs. This poor dog is obviously suffering from abuse. Somebody please
    rescue the poor thing.

  13. Pingback: Obesity Epidemic Affecting Your Pet? | Parenting Help Me

  14. This is horrible. He wouldn’t need to take diet pills if whoever the owner was took care of him.

  15. Boxers says:

    Many dogs are always hungry because they eat a poor quality food that does not provide all the nutrition they need. Feed them better and they will not be as hungry.

  16. archie says:

    nice work guys , keep feeding them see how fat they can get without dieing. id love to stamp that dog out , would be jokes and parenting tips , you wanna get knocked out? . why the fook you saying shit like that bout ya , y u text me saying that you just mean. love you ya. xxxx

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