Buddhism Cures Bulimia

A psychological technique based on Buddhist philosophy and practice may provide a solution for women who struggle with binge eating and bulimia.

The technique known as ‘mindfulness’ is being taught to Queensland women to help them understand and deal with the emotions that trigger their binges.

Unlike many therapies for eating disorders, there is less focus on food and controlling eating and more on providing freedom from negative thoughts and emotions.

from Eureka Alerts

Taking diet advice from a Fat Man? Not to be sacreligious, but by any modern standards the Buddha was obese. Could his be but the smile of the cosmic clown, who cries inside?

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5 Responses to Buddhism Cures Bulimia

  1. Buddha says:

    Does this really work????

  2. Richard Kerr says:

    Mindfulness can be very useful for treating eating disorders especially whilst eating. Being mindful of your hunger and satiety levels can play a huge part on the recovery process.
    Our website bulimiahelp.org teaches how to be aware during meal and the results have been very positive

  3. jones9985 says:

    Find the latest Bulimia news and discuss the latest topics with members of the Bulimia and Eating Disorders Community.

    Bulimia News and Discussion Forum

  4. BEN says:

    Religion and theology play important role in our life. Especially if it concerns buddhism.
    Marketing thesis

  5. Pingback: meal diet

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