Cell Phone Use Killing Missing Bees

It seems like the plot of a particularly far-fetched horror film. But some scientists suggest that our love of the mobile phone could cause massive food shortages, as the world’s harvests fail.

They are putting forward the theory that radiation given off by mobile phones and other hi-tech gadgets is a possible answer to one of the more bizarre mysteries ever to happen in the natural world – the abrupt disappearance of the bees that pollinate crops. Late last week, some bee-keepers claimed that the phenomenon – which started in the US, then spread to continental Europe – was beginning to hit Britain as well.

from the Independent of London

The neo-Luddites who rabidly oppose cell phone use (funded, no doubt, by the last of the state-monopoly land-line phone companies’ dinosaur death throes) have paraded a variety of flimsy, pseudo-scientific scenarios in front of a gullible public: cell phones are causing an epidemic of auto accidents; cell phones are causing brain cancer; cell phones are contributing to the spread of pre-teen promiscuity by facilitating “hook-ups”; cell phones are a hazard to public safety and national security.

Now this nefarious cabal has raised the ante. They are claiming that cell phone use by bees is threatening the survival of human civilization by endangering agriculture.  Without our trusty bees to pollinate plants, trees and flowers, they aver, human agriculture would collapse.  Men and women would have to revert to pre-agricultural survival patterns, migrating behind packs of wild dogs and gathering roots, nuts and berries.  What tommyrot!

Obviously, the answer is to outlaw cell phone use by bees in flight.  Worker bees especially should be prohibited from using cell phones while on the clock.  Some would argue that the government should ban all sales of cell phones to bees, period. But please, enough with the doomsday scare tactics.

About dowbrigade

Semi-retired academic from Harvard, Boston University, Fulbright Commission, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manta, currently columnist for El Diario de Portoviejo and La Marea de Manta.
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30 Responses to Cell Phone Use Killing Missing Bees

  1. Lucky says:

    Thats nice to share the views every one here. Get more info about what medical physicians around the world are saying about the effects of cell phones and electromagnetic frequencies.For more information http://www.harmonicplanet.com

  2. wendy says:

    I’m glad you find this so funny..we lost all our bees…it is’nt funny…the fact of the matter is..the bees are disappearing…its just a matter of a few short years until we as humans follow..don’t laugh…be afraid…be very afraid..yeah..it seems far fetched that bees dying off will effect your world…but it will..why can’t you see that……it does effect you..your children..and all of us…..I am scared out of my wits thinking that in just 4 years..we could strave to death…it’s not fiction..it’s a fact………help find the reason…not make jokes about selling cell phones to bees….

  3. Alex says:

    All joking aside, this is a good example of self-serving over indulgence by people of our generation. F^%# our kids and their kids… It’s all about my comfort and I won’t have to deal with any of this environmental stuff in my lifetime. A sad reflection of our society.

  4. John says:

    Anyone who gardens knows that without bees there are no fruits/vegetables. Period. If cell phone usage is the reason bees can’t find their hives, much like sonar screws up whales, we desperately need to make immediate changes.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Dear Sirs Please BAN cell phones or locate the frequences that are affecting bees and other benefit animals dying off Here is a people food chain No bees No people possible food shortages famine Say it again LOCATE the FREQUENCES FCC Dan Lumley

  6. Anonymous says:

    My bees are buzzing around very happily, yet there I am on the cell phone…hmmm.

  7. Anonymous says:

    My bees are buzzing around very happily, yet there I am, on the cell phone…hmmm.

  8. No one knows for sure what is causing the bees to disappear, but it is true that the food chain will be destroyed if it continues to happen. Cell phones, high voltage transmission lines, HAARP (Google it) any of a number of things may be causing the problem. But it isn’t funny. It’s serious and it’s happening world wide now. NO bees, NO food. I’ve read where bumble bees are starting to disappear as well.

    Scientists are looking into everything. It’s never happened before. Not like this. And usually there’s no bees left in the hive. And other insects that normally steal the remaining honey won’t come near the hives… For those of you who don’t realize what’s happening, you should look it up on the Net. If the answer isn’t found, we will all be in a hell of a lot of trouble soon.

  9. Carolyn says:

    QUOTE: The neo-Luddites who rabidly oppose cell phone use (funded, no doubt, by the last of the state-monopoly land-line phone companies’ dinosaur death throes) have paraded a variety of flimsy, pseudo-scientific scenarios in front of a gullible public…

    Geez, and I thought the lefties controlled the market on the tinfoil hat ‘brigade’. If power lines impact the ability of bees to navigate (previously demonstrated by scientific studies), then why is it so far fetched that radiation from cell phones would have a similar impact. Oh that’s right, neocon tinfoilers don’t buy into the goofy sciencey stuff.

  10. rod says:

    There is a serious problem as smart as people are in a whole we are pretty stupid also. this is a problem it could mean that this is basically the beging of the end if we as socity do not do something now. I think whats wrong if we made cell phone usage ilegal for a couple of years just to see if the bees do come back .Its either eat or use cell phones.

  11. T says:

    I’ve been following this story closely. I came across a well researched article that you should find interesting. From the article:

    The first clue that something was amiss was this odd item back on January 8:

    Wacky weather throws birds and bees off balance

  12. doug hamilton says:

    I want to know the truth…the whole truth…and nothing but the truth…so help me GOD..!

  13. Daniel Altshuler says:


    Questions of sudden unexplained bee populations dying off around the globe. In the science link it shows how some animals and “Bees” use the earth’s magnetic field and their electromagnetic signals to find their ways back to the hives, hatching and spawning locations. Scientists have located magnetics in the abdominal region of bees as well as in different bodily locations of other species, birds, fish, reptiles, etc. which assist in their navigational instincts while using the magnetic field of the earth around the globe.


    Also, you may already have some insight on the link describing the magnetic field reversals of the earth which have been know to wipe out entire species on the planet.


  14. Anonymous says:

    I believe either it due to using cell phones because of the RF from cell phone towers or the weather patterns are now. I sure hope they find out what is causing our honeybees to be missing because we need our honeybees to help with the food supply. If no honeybees it means less and less on food for us people. If you think it is the cell phones then get rid of the darn things instead of putting up more and more towers everywhere’s.

  15. whocares says:

    The sad fact is even if proof that cell phones or their RF bouncing around in the blue, nothing will stop the cell phones. Perhaps changing some specific frequencies that may be to blame might be considered if it doesn’t cost the cell providers too much money. We are a greed driven society and nothing will get in the way of the rich getting richer.

  16. Anonymous says:

    So we could just eat meat. I’d miss the fries though.

  17. Richard III says:

    Well it seems that man and his great inventions of messing with nature could end up as one very, very, very big mistake.

    Some claim that it’s from Cell Phone towers but Scientists are seeing signs of the use of 4 new pesticides maybe the culprit?

    Our Grandmaster says “Bees were the healthiest organism on the planet till mans curiosity got in the way”
    He also asked the class today,
    ” Have you ever heard a Queen Bee sneeze” ?
    Before man started messing around, the Bee’s immune system was free of bacteria and virus attacks! But nothing can survive these cocktails that will drop Roaches and the many insects that survived the last Asteroid when dinasaurs disappeared?
    Looks like man and science may drive one of Gods greatest miracles to extinction if they don’t find and reverse the damage that has been done….!!!!!!!

    They say hundreds of years ago, they were living in the dark ages? Right…
    If you think about it, we are the ones experiencing the dark Ara…!!!!

    Lets all just pray that we can fix another one of the messes that we started!

    Seems that Bad News keeps trying to get in the way of Gods work in progress?

    This news is horrific and if they can’t stop it, the food, water, and life as we know it will be devistated as fast as our little friends that have been on the planet for millions of years!

    Extreamly Concerned

    Richard III Esq.

  18. karen cohen says:

    So maybe we smart humans would like to try our hand at pollinating the plants ourselves by hand. I did this for one day at a local plant nursery where we were propogating helebores for sale. I worked with magnifying goggles and a tiny paint brush, swabbing each flower stamen with pollen from one plant to the next. Imagine now a field of corn, perhaps, or tomatoes, just waiting to be pollinated so that the fruit could grow and ripen. Who will pollinate these fields when all the bees disappear? And DAH-if you plan to exist on just meat alone, what will your cows, chicken, and pigs eat-meat? Think not.
    This isn’t an extreme scare tactic, it is a real and quickly occuring realty-talk to the bee keepers of the world. We need to find out what is killing OUR EARTH’S BEES if we want to eat real food.

  19. Brian Cawley says:

    Colony Collapse Disorder, describes what is observed. If it is radio-frequency radiation, then some smart epidemiology and experimentation should be able to identify possible causes for further research.
    If we all agree that CCD is occurring and threatening the future of the human species, then it would be advantageous to stop making jokes about it, whether the cause is cell phones or mites or anything else.
    Folks, this just ain’t funny. In areas where there are some bee colonies surviving, they are being worked to death by being trucked from farm to farm and expected to work long hours after being stuck in traffic and inhaling more exhaust fumes. So survivors are having a harder time making up for lost productivity of their bee colleagues that have expired.
    One suggestion I would like to make is to start tracking which hives show CCD, then measure field strength and frequency at those locations. It is well known that cell phone reception changes in different locations due to the variation (addition and subtraction) of RF waves. If there is no difference, ie all signals are the same at each hive, then look for another cause. Remember though, bees rely on magnetite in their bodies and relate to the current earth’s magnetic field to navigate. So anything that upsets their internal GPS could adversely affect their navigational skills.
    Now people, why don’t you propose some other tests and experiments that can be thought about and applied. If it is the mite, has it struck all colonies at the same time.
    Over to the finest brains in the US to come up with some ideas.

  20. Sue M says:

    We are in the middle of spring here in Melb. Australia, and everything is blooming. Last year I noticed less bees. This year I have not seen ONE repeat ONE Bee. Normally the humm is clearly audible from inside the house. Is anybody else panicking yet or should we wait until the food is actually gone before we DO SOMETHING!

  21. Tim TYucker says:

    Could it be scientist are looking in all the wrong places? All the articles I have read mention cell phones, mites, etc. But no one has mentioned how corporations have genetically engineered many plants but forgot to make changes to the bees. People and bees have at least one thing in common. The government having corporate interest as their priority have made it so the corporations don’t have to tell which foods are genetically engineered so that we the public which government is supposed to serve (wink) can make an informed choice. But they also forgot to inform the bees. And since government and corporations have no backup data, they have taken a wait and see attitude knowing full well it would may take years for damages to humans to show up from this altered food. And of course by then it would be too late and they would have already reaped their billions.

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  23. Anonymous says:


  24. A woman missed her flight at the boarding gate HKIA – FULL 7min version – where watch????

  25. Pingback: Click Here

  26. Murat says:

    I had read some articles fore some harmful things about cellphones. But I think not bad all cellphones like this things. Maybe some fake cellphones may cause to bee deaths.

  27. hack network says:

    It’s a good article.Very useful.
    thank you, i hope i can read more useful article like this.

  28. 整形 says:

    I’m glad you find this so funny..we lost all our bees…it is’nt funny…the fact of the matter is..the bees are disappearing…its just a matter of a few short years until we as humans follow..don’t laugh…be afraid…be very afraid..yeah..it seems far fetched that bees dying off will effect your world…but it will..why can’t you see that……

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