Workshop Reflections – Policy in Pixels

The Question

How can data visualization answer questions about our world? What are interesting policy questions where data visualization could be easier?

Our Solution(s)

Rebekah Heacock of the Internet Monitor Project led the workshop. She first explained the concept of Internet Monitor, as well as its real-life applications and uses. Rebekah asked students to think about Internet public policy and where Internet Monitor could possibly be useful in making policy decisions. We created a huge brainstorming wall, grouping together similar concepts.

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Then, students broke down into groups to tackle each policy-related topic, including Privacy, Access, and the Right to be Forgotten. They made quick sketches of possible visualizations and data plots that could help answer key questions in those topics.

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What’s Up Next

Students can now use Internet Monitor as resource of data visualization for their projects and assignments, and Internet Monitor will use the ideas generated by the workshop to direct their next areas of research.