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f/k/a archives . . . real opinions & real haiku

September 19, 2005

too much law school / too little haiku

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 7:13 pm

I spent some time at Prawsfblawg this afternoon, where the discussion

is “should we scrap the third year of law school?” — in response to the current

Legal Affairs Debate Club topic, featuring Laura Appleman and Daniel Solove.

I’m bemused by Laura’s assertion that law schools have a financial interest in

keeping the three-year system, while law professors are interested in the

teaching and mentoring benefits of the longer matriculation period. I weighed

in on the (in)appropriateness of reducing the number of law students in response

to a supposed oversupply. (My contention: there’s plenty of unmet demand for

lawyers, but the profession prices itself out of the reach of most Americans.)


the book  the movie


It’s disappointing that there seems to be no law professors who are haiku poets.

Lucky for us, though, professors in many other fields have turned their talents

to haiku. A prime example, psychologist George Swede:

Two willows —
each its own way
with the wind

mourners and bare trees


storm lull
freshly crumpled paper
creaks twice


umbrella vert

In one year
work life ends—drizzle
with the rainbow


George Swede from The Heron’s Nest

storm lull” (June 2003); “burial” (June 2005)

two willows” (March 2005); “in one year” (Sept. 2005)

scraping and scraping

his shoe —

curses for a nameless cur



the rose garden past its peak —

bending to sniff,

his bald spot shows



[Sept. 19, 2005]


bballGuys The NCAA News ran an article last Monday, explaining

how this year’s NIT would work, and noting that the purchase

of NIT by NCAA “ironically” meant that the core antitrust issue

would not be addressed — whether the NCAA could forbid teams

invited to the NCAA Tournament from going to any other tournament.

See our post antitrusters question NCAA purchase of NIT

tiny check At Blawg Review #24, Jay Williams tells you where to go

and seems to suggest our 2005 Harvest Moon post as an alternative

to falling asleep in class. (Hint to Jaybeas: the plural form of “haiku”

is “haiku”.)

tiny check Martin Grace of RiskProf has collected links related to the Good

Samaritan Paradox and public policy. Dare I ask: “What would Jesus do?”

Something tells me Jesus would not be an Austrian Economist.

full moon


  1. Haiku is plural? Curses!

    Oh well, the problem’s been fixed now.

    Comment by Jay Williams — September 19, 2005 @ 9:06 pm

  2. Haiku is plural? Curses!

    Oh well, the problem’s been fixed now.

    Comment by Jay Williams — September 19, 2005 @ 9:06 pm

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