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May 3, 2006

pump pandering: no one mentions using less energy

Filed under: pre-06-2006 — David Giacalone @ 2:07 pm

The “conservative” Republicans won’t do it. 

Neither will the “conservationist”-environ-

mentalist Democrats.  [see WashPost,

“GOP looks for Plan B on Gas,” May 3,

2006; NYT editiorial “Foolisness on fuel,

May 3, 2006] Not one politician currently

in office (and planning to run again) is telling

the American public:

“We all must use significantly less

energy to solve our Nation’s energy


“pbsPoliticsPumpG” PBS News Hour

politics and the pump


         Yesterday evening on The PBS News Hour, Jim

Lehrer didn’t even bother to ask about reducing demand

and energy consumption, in a lengthy interview with Sen.

Rick Santorum (R-PA) and Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA).

(“Politics and the Pump: Solving Gas Prices,” May 2, 2006). 

All that the Senators seemed to care about was winning

political points with voters — with their stated goal of ob-

taining and maintaining the supply to meet our national

demand for oil and gas.

55 limit n

Frankly, I expected much more from Sen. Cantwell, and

went to her website, to see if she might have more to say

on the topic there.  Sadly, there was nothing about reducing

energy consumption — as opposed to reducing our need for

foreign sources of energy.  In an April 6, 2006, Press Release,

I found her joining a call last month for a National Energy Sum-

mit.  That press release ends by proclaiming:

“Cantwell is the chair of the Senate Democrats’ Energy

Independence 2020 national campaign working to break

America’s overdependence on foreign oil, protect working

families from skyrocketing energy costs, stop unfair market

manipulation by energy companies, and invest in reliable

sources of affordable fuel.”

As I said above, not a word about the need to conserve.  No

courage to call for changes in our lifestyles that are the only

true hope for meeting the Nation’s “energy challenge.”  (see

our prior post, Open Letter to Gas-Whiners, April 26, 2006;

and see gas pain?, which points out the instant, significant

savings from merely driving more slowly on highways)






Key West heat–
the kitchen staff’s
chained bicycles






crossing the bridge —
the shadow of a gull
I never see




long before daybreak
the local rooster
starts warming up





Making change

the conductor

shifts his toothpick





slow conversation

a passing bus fills

the diner window





Distant tail lights
in the dark


crossing the bridge” – The Heron’s Nest (Sept. 2002)

 “long before” tinywords (2003/09/05)

“slow conversation” – A New Resonance 2 (2001)

“making change” – the loose thread: RMA 2001; Modern Haiku XXXII:1 

“Distant tail lights” – from Haiku Spirit 

“Key West heat” – Frogpond XXII:3 (1999)

      55 limit


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