While the media and society pay a lot of attention on postpartum depression, Journal of the American Medical Association claimed that the major depressive disorders are more common in women who suffer from miscarriage.

The common myth of post miscarriage depression is that people often assume the pain and grief would ‘fade away’ after the regular schedule is resumed and/or when women become pregnant again.

My humble opinion is that…yon can’t assume things are over unless you’re fully honest about your feeling. There are things imprinted in your memory that nothing will make it go away.

I was depressive and suicidal  as a teen. I’d been through the cycle of depression. I’ve seen the darkest of the darkest.

It all seems too familiar. The hopeless, sadness and loneliness were all too overwhelming to me that the idea of ending my life across my mind just a few nights ago.

I recognize this process. I’ve been there before. I should not let myself go down this path like I used to.

So I decided to take a brief medical leave. I deserve to be surrounded by families and allow my body and mind to rest.

Despite school schedule and homework, I’ll need this medical leave before I can stand again.