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Entries 00551-00560

============================ENTRY NUMBER 00560:

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


“Germany’s dark side is its civil service – and German professors and top university administrators are all civil servants”- 7

“The military court in La Spezia. This is where the murder trial of SS officer Hans Schiffmann began two months ago. Schiffman belonged to the ‘Reichsfuehrer SS,’ the 16th SS Armored Infantry Division, a unit that left a trail of blood across Italy. Its victims included thousands of civilians.

“The relatives of Hans Schiffmann’s victims have come to La Spezia today. They are hoping for belated justice. The accused, however, has not appeared in court. Under German law, he cannot be extradited to Italy against his will.”

(To be continued)

Udo Guempel and Rene Althammer, “SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftaetern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste,“ broadcast 15 January 2004.

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin

“It was not the solution of the question of national unity which stood at the beginning of the road to catastrophe (for Germany), but the failure to settle the question of freedom.” – German Historian Heinrich August Winkler

“The kind of thing I find particularly shameful in post-war German history,” a friend reports, “is that after 1945 the Federal Republic refused to provide the usual military widow’s pension to Caroline von Stauffenberg.” “Stauffenberg?” I said. “Her husband, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg,” she explained, “attempted to assassinate Hitler by setting off a bomb at the dictator’s military headquarters in East Prussia on 20 July 1944. Stauffenberg is honored in Germany today, but he was for a long time after the war — like Thomas Mann, Marlene Dietrich, every deserter from the Wehrmacht, and so many other Germans — regarded with contempt and widely considered to be a traitor to his country. I wonder how he would have been treated at a place like the Technical University of Munich.”


„Deutschlands Schattenseite ist sein Beamtentum – und alle deutschen Professoren und Spitzenadministratoren an den Universitäten sind Beamte“ – 7

„Das Militärgericht von La Spezia. Hier begann vor zwei Monaten der Mord-Prozess gegen den ehemaligen SS-Offizier Hans Schiffmann. Schiffmann gehörte zur 16. SS Panzergrenadierdivision “Reichsführer SS”, eine Division, die eine breite Blutspur durch Italien gezogen hat: Tausende Zivilisten fielen diesen Männern zum Opfer.

Die Angehörigen der Opfer von Hans Schiffmanns sind an diesem Tag nach La Spezia gekommen. Sie hoffen auf eine späte Gerechtigkeit. Doch der Angeklagte ist nicht vor Gericht erschienen. Nach deutschem Recht kann er nicht gegen seinen Willen nach Italien ausgeliefert werden.“

(Fortsetzung folgt)

Udo Gümpel and Rene Althammer, „SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftätern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste“-Sendung vom 15.01.2004.

“Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder auf der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin

============================ENTRY NUMBER 00559:

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


“Germany’s dark side is its civil service – and German professors and top university administrators are all civil servants”- 6

“This is the final path that the twelve prisoners followed on 17 December 1944. After the SS had tortured them for days, they were murdered here on the banks of the River Panaro and then buried in shallow graves.

“The bodies were discovered after the winter snow melted.

“Savina Riverberi:
‘When they dug up Mama, she didn’t have hair on her head anymore. My father recognized her, though, by the green dress and the kitchen apron and by the shoes she was wearing.’ ”

(To be continued)

Udo Guempel and Rene Althammer, “SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftaetern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste,“ broadcast 15 January 2004.

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin

“It was not the solution of the question of national unity which stood at the beginning of the road to catastrophe (for Germany), but the failure to settle the question of freedom.” – German Historian Heinrich August Winkler

“The kind of thing I find particularly shameful in post-war German history,” a friend reports, “is that after 1945 the Federal Republic refused to provide the usual military widow’s pension to Caroline von Stauffenberg.” “Stauffenberg?” I said. “Her husband, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg,” she explained, “attempted to assassinate Hitler by setting off a bomb at the dictator’s military headquarters in East Prussia on 20 July 1944. Stauffenberg is honored in Germany today, but he was for a long time after the war — like Thomas Mann, Marlene Dietrich, every deserter from the Wehrmacht, and so many other Germans — regarded with contempt and widely considered to be a traitor to his country. I wonder how he would have been treated at a place like the Technical University of Munich.”


„Deutschlands Schattenseite ist sein Beamtentum – und alle deutschen Professoren und Spitzenadministratoren an den Universitäten sind Beamte“ – 6

„Dies war der letzte Weg der zwölf Gefangenen an jenem 17 Dezember. Nachdem die SS-Männer sie tagelang gefoltert hatten, wurden sie dann am Flussufer des Panaro ermordet und verscharrt.

Als der Schnee schmilzt, findet man die Leichen.

Savina Riverberi:
‚Als man die Mamma ausgrub, da hatte sie keine Haare mehr auf dem Kopf. Mein Vater erkannte sie aber trotzdem – an ihrem grünen Kleid, an der Küchenschürze und an den Schuhen.’ ”

(Fortsetzung folgt)

Udo Gümpel and Rene Althammer, „SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftätern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste“-Sendung vom 15.01.2004.

“Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder auf der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin

============================ENTRY NUMBER 00558:

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


“Germany’s dark side is its civil service – and German professors and top university administrators are all civil servants”- 5

“In seclusion and screened off from the outside world, Hans Schiffmann is spending the last years of his life in this home for the aged in Lauenau.

“The town of Castelfranco near Bologna: the SS unit commanded by Hans Schiffmann brought about its reign of terror here in 1944.

“The people here still remember very well the period of the German occupation. On this plaque: the names of the victims of the mass executions carried out by the German SS. Among the first on the list: Gabriella degli Esposti.”

(To be continued)

Udo Guempel and Rene Althammer, “SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftaetern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste,“ broadcast 15 January 2004.

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin

“It was not the solution of the question of national unity which stood at the beginning of the road to catastrophe (for Germany), but the failure to settle the question of freedom.” – German Historian Heinrich August Winkler

“The kind of thing I find particularly shameful in post-war German history,” a friend reports, “is that after 1945 the Federal Republic refused to provide the usual military widow’s pension to Caroline von Stauffenberg.” “Stauffenberg?” I said. “Her husband, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg,” she explained, “attempted to assassinate Hitler by setting off a bomb at the dictator’s military headquarters in East Prussia on 20 July 1944. Stauffenberg is honored in Germany today, but he was for a long time after the war — like Thomas Mann, Marlene Dietrich, every deserter from the Wehrmacht, and so many other Germans — regarded with contempt and widely considered to be a traitor to his country. I wonder how he would have been treated at a place like the Technical University of Munich.”


„Deutschlands Schattenseite ist sein Beamtentum – und alle deutschen Professoren und Spitzenadministratoren an den Universitäten sind Beamte“ – 5

„In diesem Altersheim von Lauenau verbringt Hans Schiffmann seinen Lebensabend. Zurückgezogen und abgeschirmt.

Die Stadt Castelfranco bei Bologna: Hier führte die SS-Einheit von Hans Schiffmann im Jahre 1944 ihr Schreckensregiment.

Die Menschen hier erinnern sich noch gut an die Besatzungszeit. Auf der Gedenktafel: die Namen der Opfer der Massenerschiessungen durch die deutsche SS. Ganz oben: Gabriella degli Esposti.“

(Fortsetzung folgt)

Udo Gümpel and Rene Althammer, „SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftätern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste“-Sendung vom 15.01.2004.

============================ENTRY NUMBER 00557:

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


“Germany’s dark side is its civil service – and German professors and top university administrators are all civil servants”- 4

‘Are you surprised about his past as an SS officer, or about the accusation that he killed a dozen people?’

“Gerhard Kluczny:
‘Yes, I’m really shocked at that, because I really can’t imagine it.’”

(To be continued)

Udo Guempel and Rene Althammer, “SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftaetern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste,“ broadcast 15 January 2004.

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin

“It was not the solution of the question of national unity which stood at the beginning of the road to catastrophe (for Germany), but the failure to settle the question of freedom.” – German Historian Heinrich August Winkler

“The kind of thing I find particularly shameful in post-war German history,” a friend reports, “is that after 1945 the Federal Republic refused to provide the usual military widow’s pension to Caroline von Stauffenberg.” “Stauffenberg?” I said. “Her husband, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg,” she explained, “attempted to assassinate Hitler by setting off a bomb at the dictator’s military headquarters in East Prussia on 20 July 1944. Stauffenberg is honored in Germany today, but he was for a long time after the war — like Thomas Mann, Marlene Dietrich, every deserter from the Wehrmacht, and so many other Germans — regarded with contempt and widely considered to be a traitor to his country. I wonder how he would have been treated at a place like the Technical University of Munich.”


„Deutschlands Schattenseite ist sein Beamtentum – und alle deutschen Professoren und Spitzenadministratoren an den Universitäten sind Beamte“ – 4

‚Sind Sie überrascht über diese Vergangenheit als SS-Offizier, den Vorwurf, ein Dutzend Menschen getötet zu haben?’

Gerhard Kluczny:
‚Ja, da bin ich sogar richtig schockiert, weil ich mir das gar nicht richtig vorstellen kann.’ ”

(Fortsetzung folgt)

Udo Gümpel and Rene Althammer, „SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftätern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste“-Sendung vom 15.01.2004.

============================ENTRY NUMBER 00556:

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


“Germany’s dark side is its civil service – and German professors and top university administrators are all civil servants”- 3

“Germany, fifty-nine years later. Lauenau, a small town south of Hanover. Hans Schiffmann lived here undisturbed for decades. In Lauenau, Schiffmann is very well known. Until he retired, he was an upholsterer in this furniture factory.

“He has never spoken of the time he spent in Italy during the war.

“Gerhard Kluczny:
‘Not a single word. Personally, I can’t complain about him. I always got along well with him.’ ”
(To be continued)

Udo Guempel and Rene Althammer, “SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftaetern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste,“ broadcast 15 January 2004.

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin

“It was not the solution of the question of national unity which stood at the beginning of the road to catastrophe (for Germany), but the failure to settle the question of freedom.” – German Historian Heinrich August Winkler

“The kind of thing I find particularly shameful in post-war German history,” a friend reports, “is that after 1945 the Federal Republic refused to provide the usual military widow’s pension to Caroline von Stauffenberg.” “Stauffenberg?” I said. “Her husband, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg,” she explained, “attempted to assassinate Hitler by setting off a bomb at the dictator’s military headquarters in East Prussia on 20 July 1944. Stauffenberg is honored in Germany today, but he was for a long time after the war — like Thomas Mann, Marlene Dietrich, every deserter from the Wehrmacht, and so many other Germans — regarded with contempt and widely considered to be a traitor to his country. I wonder how he would have been treated at a place like the Technical University of Munich.”


„Deutschlands Schattenseite ist sein Beamtentum – und alle deutschen Professoren und Spitzenadministratoren an den Universitäten sind Beamte“ – 3

„Deutschland, 59 Jahre danach. Lauenau, eine Kleinstadt südlich von Hannover. Hans Schiffmann lebte hier jahrzehntelang unbehelligt. In Lauenau ist Schiffmann bestens bekannt. Bis zu seiner Pensionierung war er Polstermeister in dieser Möbelfabrik.

Von seiner Kriegszeit in Italien hat er nie gesprochen.

Gerhard Kluczny:
‚Nie ein Sterbenswörtchen. Ich selber kann mich nicht über ihn beklagen, bin mit ihm immer guten Weges gewesen.’ “

(Fortsetzung folgt)

Udo Gümpel and Rene Althammer, „SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftätern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste“-Sendung vom 15.01.2004.

============================ENTRY NUMBER 00555:

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


“Germany’s dark side is its civil service – and German professors and top university administrators are all civil servants”- 2

“Savina Riverberi:
‘When the SS men came to take her away, Mama was in the kitchen cooking. I asked Mama what I should do. She said just to wait for her, we’d eat when she came back. So I waited for Mama for three days – with the food. I didn’t touch a single bite, because she’d promised to come back and have soup with me. And I waited and waited.’

“This is her mother’s suspected murderer: former SS First Lieutenant Hans Schiffmann.

“A Nazi of the founders’ generation, as his file shows: 1930, membership in the SA; 1932, joins the SS.”

(To be continued)

Udo Guempel and Rene Althammer, “SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftaetern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste,“ broadcast 15 January 2004.

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin

“It was not the solution of the question of national unity which stood at the beginning of the road to catastrophe (for Germany), but the failure to settle the question of freedom.” – German Historian Heinrich August Winkler

“The kind of thing I find particularly shameful in post-war German history,” a friend reports, “is that after 1945 the Federal Republic refused to provide the usual military widow’s pension to Caroline von Stauffenberg.” “Stauffenberg?” I said. “Her husband, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg,” she explained, “attempted to assassinate Hitler by setting off a bomb at the dictator’s military headquarters in East Prussia on 20 July 1944. Stauffenberg is honored in Germany today, but he was for a long time after the war — like Thomas Mann, Marlene Dietrich, every deserter from the Wehrmacht, and so many other Germans — regarded with contempt and widely considered to be a traitor to his country. I wonder how he would have been treated at a place like the Technical University of Munich.”


„Deutschlands Schattenseite ist sein Beamtentum – und alle deutschen Professoren und Spitzenadministratoren an den Universitäten sind Beamte“ – 2

„Savina Riverberi:
‚Als die SS-Männer kamen, um sie abzuholen, da war die Mamma gerade beim Kochen. Da fragte ich die Mamma: was soll ich denn jetzt machen? Sie sagte mir nur: warte auf mich, wir essen, wenn ich wieder zurück bin. Und da habe ich dann drei Tage lang mit dem Essen auf die Mamma gewartet. Ich habe keinen Bissen angerührt, weil sie doch versprochen hatte, wiederzukommen, mit mir die Suppe essen. Und ich wartete und wartete.’

Dies ist der mutmaßliche Mörder ihrer Mutter: der ehemalige SS-Obersturmführer Hans Schiffmann.

Ein Nazi der ersten Stunde, wie sein Personalakte belegt: 1930 Mitgliedder SA, 1932 dann der Eintritt in die SS.“

(Fortsetzung folgt)

Udo Gümpel and Rene Althammer, „SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftätern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste“-Sendung vom 15.01.2004.

============================ENTRY NUMBER 00554:

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


“Germany’s dark side is its civil service – and German professors and top university administrators are all civil servants”- 1

“He killed probably twelve people. In a way that was particularly cruel. He was never punished for the crime, a war crime committed sixty years ago.

“Kontraste has made a number of discoveries in its research and reporting over the past year, and only then did the authorities take action. Now Udo Guempel and René Althammer have once more investigated a crime.

“The woman’s daughter, who still cannot forget the horrible way her mother was murdered, lives in Italy. The man who committed the crime lives in Germany. He has never been called to account for what he did. Gabriella degli Esposti, mother of two children. Taken away and murdered by the SS in Italy. Her daughter Savina remembers the German occupiers:….”

(To be continued)

Udo Guempel and Rene Althammer, “SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftaetern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste,“ broadcast 15 January 2004.

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin

“It was not the solution of the question of national unity which stood at the beginning of the road to catastrophe (for Germany), but the failure to settle the question of freedom.” – German Historian Heinrich August Winkler

“The kind of thing I find particularly shameful in post-war German history,” a friend reports, “is that after 1945 the Federal Republic refused to provide the usual military widow’s pension to Caroline von Stauffenberg.” “Stauffenberg?” I said. “Her husband, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg,” she explained, “attempted to assassinate Hitler by setting off a bomb at the dictator’s military headquarters in East Prussia on 20 July 1944. Stauffenberg is honored in Germany today, but he was for a long time after the war — like Thomas Mann, Marlene Dietrich, every deserter from the Wehrmacht, and so many other Germans — regarded with contempt and widely considered to be a traitor to his country. I wonder how he would have been treated at a place like the Technical University of Munich.”


„Deutschlands Schattenseite ist sein Beamtentum – und alle deutschen Professoren und Spitzenadministratoren an den Universitäten sind Beamte“ – 1

„Er hat wahrscheinlich zwölf Menschen umgebracht. Mit besonderer Grausamkeit. Er wurde nie dafür bestraft. Ein Kriegsverbrechen, begangen vor sechzig Jahren.

Kontraste hat im letzten Jahr einige durch eigene Recherche gefunden. Erst dann wurde die Justiz tätig. Jetzt haben Udo Gümpel und René Althammer wieder ein Verbrechen recherchiert.

In Italien lebt die Tochter, die den grausamen Mord an der Mutter bis heute nicht vergessen kann. In Deutschland ein Täter, der nie zur Rechenschaft gezogen wurde.

Gabriella degli Esposti, Mutter von zwei Kindern. Verschleppt und ermordetvon SS-Angehörigen in Italien. Ihre Tochter Savina erinnert sich an die deutschen Besatzer:….“

(Fortsetzung folgt)

Udo Gümpel and Rene Althammer, „SS-Verbrecher unbelligt – wie die deutsche Justiz die Verfolgung von Straftätern verhindert,“ Westdeutscher Rundfunk, „Kontraste“-Sendung vom 15.01.2004.

============================ENTRY NUMBER 00553:

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


Harvard: the View from Germany – 18

“Cooney knows the way German universities operate, and he understands that the principles that govern top American universities cannot simply be transplanted across the Atlantic. Certainly the dream of creating a German Harvard overnight is completely unrealistic. Cooney remembers the anecdote about nineteenth-century railroad baron Leland Stanford. Before founding the university that now bears his name, Stanford visited then Harvard President Charles Eliot and asked what was needed to build a world-class university. ‘Twenty million dollars,’ Eliot replied. ‘Oh, that’s no problem,’ said Stanford. ‘And about a hundred years,’ Eliot added. Cooney lets the words sink in before he mischievously drives home the point: ‘Sometimes of course it doesn’t take that long. Stanford did it in seventy.’ ”

Wolfgang Koydl, “Zauberlehrlinge an der goldenen Schultafel“, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 15 January 2004

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin

“It was not the solution of the question of national unity which stands at the beginning of the road to catastrophe (for Germany), but the failure to settle the question of freedom.” – German Historian Heinrich August Winkler

“The kind of thing I find particularly shameful in post-war German history,” a friend reports, “is that after 1945 the Federal Republic refused to provide the usual military widow’s pension to Caroline von Stauffenberg.” “Stauffenberg?” I said. “Her husband, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg,” she explained, “attempted to assassinate Hitler by setting off a bomb at the dictator’s military headquarters in East Prussia on 20 July 1944. Stauffenberg is honored in Germany today, but he was for a long time after the war — like Thomas Mann, Marlene Dietrich, every deserter from the Wehrmacht, and so many other Germans — regarded with contempt and widely considered to be a traitor to his country. I wonder how he would have been treated at a place like the Technical University of Munich.”


Harvard: von Deutschland aus gesehen – 18

„Cooney kennt den deutschen Studienbetrieb und daher weiß er, dass sich das Konzept amerikanischer Top-Universitäten nicht einfach verpflanzen lässt. Und über Nacht ist der Traum von einem deutschen Harvard schon gar nicht zu verwirklichen. Cooney fällt dazu eine Anekdote über Leland Stanford ein, den kalifornischen Eisenbahnbaron des 19. Jahrhunderts. Bevor er die nach ihm benannte Hochschule gründete, erkundigte er sich bei dem damaligen Harvard-Präsidenten Charles Eliot, was man denn für eine Weltklasse-Universität brauche. ‚Zwanzig Millionen Dollar’, erwiderte Eliot. ‚Ok, kein Problem’, meinte Stanford. ‚Und etwa hundert Jahre Zeit’, fügte Eliot hinzu. Cooney lässt die Worte wirken, bevor er schelmisch die Pointe präsentiert: ‘Manchmal geht es freilich auch schneller. Stanford hat es schon in 70 Jahren geschafft.’ “

Wolfgang Koydl, „Zauberlehrlinge an der goldenen Schultafel“, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 15.01.2004

============================ENTRY NUMBER 00552:

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


Harvard: the View from Germany – 17

“James Cooney, for example, is proud of his Harvard class, the Class of 69, and not only because former Vice-President Gore or actor Tommy Lee Jones were his classmates. He takes a book down from a shelf, reverently, a book that in size and format resembles a bible. It is the yearbook that contains all of the information about the members of his Harvard class. It is revised and reissued every ten years. ‘Somehow, people always stay in touch,’ he says.”

(To be continued)

Wolfgang Koydl, “Zauberlehrlinge an der goldenen Schultafel“, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 15 January 2004

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin

“It was not the solution of the question of national unity which stands at the beginning of the road to catastrophe (for Germany), but the failure to settle the question of freedom.” – German Historian Heinrich August Winkler

“The kind of thing I find particularly shameful in post-war German history,” a friend reports, “is that after 1945 the Federal Republic refused to provide the usual military widow’s pension to Caroline von Stauffenberg.” “Stauffenberg?” I said. “Her husband, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg,” she explained, “attempted to assassinate Hitler by setting off a bomb at the dictator’s military headquarters in East Prussia on 20 July 1944. Stauffenberg is honored in Germany today, but he was for a long time after the war — like Thomas Mann, Marlene Dietrich, every deserter from the Wehrmacht, and so many other Germans — regarded with contempt and widely considered to be a traitor to his country. I wonder how he would have been treated at a place like the Technical University of Munich.”


Harvard: von Deutschland aus gesehen – 17

„James Cooney zum Beispiel ist stolz auf seinen Jahrgang, die ‚Class of 69’, und das nicht nur, weil Ex-Vizepräsident Al Gore oder der Schauspieler Tommy Lee Jones seine Kommilitonen waren. Ehrfürchtig zieht er ein rot gebundenes Buch aus dem Regal, das von Umfang und Format an eine Bibel erinnert: Es ist das Jahrbuch, das alle Angaben über alle Angehörigen seines Jahrganges enthält. Alle zehn Jahre wird es überarbeitet und neu aufgelegt. ‚Irgendwie bleibt man immer in Kontakt’, sagt er.“

(Fortsetzung folgt)

Wolfgang Koydl, „Zauberlehrlinge an der goldenen Schultafel“, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 15.01.2004

============================ENTRY NUMBER 00551:

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


Harvard: the View from Germany – 16

“Katja Zelljadt agrees, and she draws another parallel: ‘In England, at Oxford and Cambridge, an “old boy” network used to develop that was dominated by the upper class. Harvard develops a similar global network of people who are at the top of their field, people of knowledge, ability, and achievement.’ As former students, these individuals remain connected not only to each other, but also to their university, all their lives. This connection encourages generous gifts and donations to the university. Libraries, lecture halls, laboratories, museums, and academic chairs are named after those who provide funding for them. These people identify with their university in the same way that in other places fans identify with an athletic team, for a lifetime.”

(To be continued)

Wolfgang Koydl, “Zauberlehrlinge an der goldenen Schultafel“, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 15 January 2004

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin

“It was not the solution of the question of national unity which stands at the beginning of the road to catastrophe (for Germany), but the failure to settle the question of freedom.” – German Historian Heinrich August Winkler

“The kind of thing I find particularly shameful in post-war German history,” a friend reports, “is that after 1945 the Federal Republic refused to provide the usual military widow’s pension to Caroline von Stauffenberg.” “Stauffenberg?” I said. “Her husband, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg,” she explained, “attempted to assassinate Hitler by setting off a bomb at the dictator’s military headquarters in East Prussia on 20 July 1944. Stauffenberg is honored in Germany today, but he was for a long time after the war — like Thomas Mann, Marlene Dietrich, every deserter from the Wehrmacht, and so many other Germans — regarded with contempt and widely considered to be a traitor to his country. I wonder how he would have been treated at a place like the Technical University of Munich.”


Harvard: von Deutschland aus gesehen – 16

„Katja Zelljadt sieht das genauso, und sie zieht eine andere Parallele: ‚Die englischen Elite-Unis von Oxford und Cambridge haben ein Old-Boys-Network geschaffen, das von der Oberklasse dominiert war; Harvard schafft ein globales Network der Eliten, das von Wissen, Können und Leistung bestimmt ist.’ Und diese ehemaligen Studenten bleiben ihr Leben lang nicht nur einander, sondern auch ihrer Hochschule verbunden, nicht zuletzt als großherzige Mäzene und Spender. Bibliotheken, Hörsäle, Labore, Museen und Lehrstühle sind nach diesen Stiftern benannt, die sich zeit ihres Lebens auf eine derart intensive Weise mit ihrer Hochschule identifizieren, wie man es andernorts nur von den Fan-Clubs eines Sportvereins kennt.“

(Fortsetzung folgt)

Wolfgang Koydl, „Zauberlehrlinge an der goldenen Schultafel“, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 15.01.2004

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