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Entries 01071-01080


“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


If Hitler Couldn’t, then Who Can? (Naturally Not a Problem, though, at the Technical University of Munich) – 11

“Nevertheless, the Saarland Minister-President’s Office was skeptical as to the success of the project: ‘A bold, direct easing of the burden of bureaucratic rules that companies have to bear turns out to be very difficult,’ for a reason that the individual states cannot change: ‘The large and essentially bureaucratic obstacles and burdens confronting the German economy are based primarily on laws passed by the German federal government. Laws governing labor, the environment, taxes, and statistics are examples of this.’ In addition, bills passed by the European Union more and more often contribute to the production of regulations at the level of the individual EU member countries.”

(To be continued)

Author and Source: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

“I feel like someone who has been attacked and injured by a group of thugs. You forgive the thugs, but at the same time you have to warn other people about them.” – George Sand

“The government exists for the people, not the people for the government.“ – Albert Einstein

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin



“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001


„Wenn Hitler es nicht schaffen konnte, wer denn? (Dies ist aber natürlich kein Problem an der Technischen Universität München) – 11

„Dennoch zog die Staatskanzlei Saarbrücken eine skeptische Bilanz: »Eine direkte und plakative Entlastung unmittelbar der Unternehmen erwies sich als sehr schwer.« Nicht zuletzt aus einem Grund, an dem ein Bundesland nichts ändern kann: »Die großen und wesentlichen bürokratischen Hemmnisse und Belastungen der Wirtschaft werden vornehmlich auf bundesgesetzlichen Grundlagen, zum Beispiel in den Bereichen Arbeitsrecht, Umweltschutz, Steuern und Statistik, gesehen.« Immer öfter gibt auch die EU Vorlagen für die Produktion der nationalen Vorschriften.”

(Fortsetzung folgt.)

Autor und Quelle: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

„Ich fühle mich wie eine Person, die von einer Gruppe Schläger angegriffen und verletzt wird. Man vergibt die Schläger, aber muss man andere Menschen vor ihnen warnen.“ – George Sand

„Der Staat ist für die Menschen und nicht die Menschen für den Staat.” – Albert Einstein

„Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin




“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


If Hitler Couldn’t, then Who Can? (Naturally Not a Problem, though, at the Technical University of Munich) – 10

“Not only the German federal government but also the individual German states are trying to reduce bureaucracy. For example, in Saarland the goal is expressed officially in a statement: ‘The Saarland government administration shall be capable of the most rapid reaction time in Germany’. A commission to literally de-regulate the government went to work. Two hundred and thirty-one situations where permission and approval of an action was reserved to the government were scrutinized, and in the end twenty-nine were canceled without being replaced. Moreover, two-thirds of the administrative regulations in force were swiftly annulled.”

(To be continued)

Author and Source: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

“I feel like someone who has been attacked and injured by a group of thugs. You forgive the thugs, but at the same time you have to warn other people about them.” – George Sand

“The government exists for the people, not the people for the government.“ – Albert Einstein

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin



“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001


„Wenn Hitler es nicht schaffen konnte, wer denn? (Dies ist aber natürlich kein Problem an der Technischen Universität München) – 10

„Nicht nur der Bund, auch die Länder bemühen sich, Bürokratie abzubauen. Zum Beispiel das Saarland. »Die Landesverwaltung soll zur schnellsten in Deutschland werden«, lautete dort das Ziel. Eine Deregulierungskommission machte sich ans Werk. 231 Erlaubnis- und Genehmigungsvorbehalte wurden überprüft, 29 am Ende ersatzlos gestrichen. Auch zwei Drittel der geltenden Verwaltungsvorschriften wurden flugs annulliert.

(Fortsetzung folgt.)

Autor und Quelle: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

„Ich fühle mich wie eine Person, die von einer Gruppe Schläger angegriffen und verletzt wird. Man vergibt die Schläger, aber muss man andere Menschen vor ihnen warnen.“ – George Sand

„Der Staat ist für die Menschen und nicht die Menschen für den Staat.” – Albert Einstein

„Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin




“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


If Hitler Couldn’t, then Who Can? (Naturally Not a Problem, though, at the Technical University of Munich) – 9

“Clement’s comrades in arms in the Ministry of the Economy feel that this sort of judgment of his efforts is unfair. ‘The results of the Clement-initiative are certainly not earth-shaking’, said one official, ‘but such actions can at least force the bureaucracy to justify what it does.’ Of seventy-five clearly defined projects, thirty-nine were completed by the end of November last year, including a reform of the laws governing trades and crafts and a reduction in the burden of statistics that businesses have to provide.”

(To be continued)

Author and Source: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

“I feel like someone who has been attacked and injured by a group of thugs. You forgive the thugs, but at the same time you have to warn other people about them.” – George Sand

“The government exists for the people, not the people for the government.“ – Albert Einstein

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin



“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001


„Wenn Hitler es nicht schaffen konnte, wer denn? (Dies ist aber natürlich kein Problem an der Technischen Universität München) – 9

„Ein unangemessenes Urteil, finden Mitstreiter im Wirtschaftsministerium. »Die Ergebnisse der Clement-Initiative sind zwar nicht gewaltig«, urteilt ein Beamter, »aber mit einer solchen Aktion kann man die Bürokratie zumindest unter Rechtfertigungszwang setzen.« Von 75 konkreten Projekten waren Ende November immerhin 39 abgeschlossen, etwa die Reform des Handwerksrechts und der Abbau der statistischen Belastung der Wirtschaft.”

(Fortsetzung folgt.)

Autor und Quelle: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

„Ich fühle mich wie eine Person, die von einer Gruppe Schläger angegriffen und verletzt wird. Man vergibt die Schläger, aber muss man andere Menschen vor ihnen warnen.“ – George Sand

„Der Staat ist für die Menschen und nicht die Menschen für den Staat.” – Albert Einstein

„Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin




“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


If Hitler Couldn’t, then Who Can? (Naturally Not a Problem, though, at the Technical University of Munich) – 8

“Bureaucracy was recognized as a problem in Germany a long time ago, and government anti-bureaucracy committees have often tried to deal with it, starting in 1983 with the federal commission on streamlining government operations, the 1995 ‘Lean Government’ council of experts, the 1997 ‘Control Committee for Administrative Organization’, and finally the ‘Dismantle Bureaucracy Initiative’ of the second SPD-Green Party government coalition. However, in none of these efforts were good intentions enough to bring about a change. In the end, the magazine ‘Spiegel’ heaped scorn on what it referred to as the ‘pretend-battle in the jungle of rules and regulations’ carried on by the former Minister for the Economy, Wolfgang Clement.”

(To be continued)

Author and Source: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

“I feel like someone who has been attacked and injured by a group of thugs. You forgive the thugs, but at the same time you have to warn other people about them.” – George Sand

“The government exists for the people, not the people for the government.“ – Albert Einstein

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin



“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001


„Wenn Hitler es nicht schaffen konnte, wer denn? (Dies ist aber natürlich kein Problem an der Technischen Universität München) – 8

„Erkannt ist das Problem hierzulande schon lange, und Anti-Bürokratie-Gremien haben sich bemüht – von der Bundesvereinfachungskommission des Jahres 1983 über den Sachverständigenrat »Schlanker Staat« (1995) und den »Lenkungsausschuss Verwaltungsorganisation« (1997) bis zur »Initiative Bürokratieabbau« der zweiten rot-grünen Bundesregierung. Doch in keinem Fall reichte der gute Wille für eine Trendwende. Zuletzt verspottete der Spiegel die Ambitionen von Exwirtschaftsminister Wolfgang Clement gar als »Scheingefechte im Paragrafendschungel«.”

(Fortsetzung folgt.)

Autor und Quelle: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

„Ich fühle mich wie eine Person, die von einer Gruppe Schläger angegriffen und verletzt wird. Man vergibt die Schläger, aber muss man andere Menschen vor ihnen warnen.“ – George Sand

„Der Staat ist für die Menschen und nicht die Menschen für den Staat.” – Albert Einstein

„Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin




“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


If Hitler Couldn’t, then Who Can? (Naturally Not a Problem, though, at the Technical University of Munich) – 7

“The World Bank has for some years been keeping track of the obstacles in various countries that have to be dealt with by anyone wishing to start a company. In Germany, such a person has to wrestle with nine different government authorities, a process that takes on the average twenty-four days to complete. In relation to the rest of the entire world, that is not catastrophic. In Finland, however, only three government offices are involved, compared to four in Ireland and five in the United States. In its most recent ranking entitled ‘Where Is Doing Business Easy?’, the World Bank puts Germany in nineteenth place, behind eight other EU countries.”

(To be continued)

Author and Source: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

“I feel like someone who has been attacked and injured by a group of thugs. You forgive the thugs, but at the same time you have to warn other people about them.” – George Sand

“The government exists for the people, not the people for the government.“ – Albert Einstein

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin



“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001


„Wenn Hitler es nicht schaffen konnte, wer denn? (Dies ist aber natürlich kein Problem an der Technischen Universität München) – 7

„Seit Jahren registriert die Weltbank, mit welchen Hindernissen ein Unternehmensgründer in den einzelnen Ländern zu rechnen hat. Mit neun verschiedenen Behörden muss sich ein Gründer in Deutschland herumschlagen, 24 Tage verstreichen im Schnitt, bis eines der Verfahren abgeschlossen ist. Das ist im internationalen Vergleich nicht katastrophal. Aber in Finnland sind lediglich drei Behörden eingebunden, in Irland vier, in den USA fünf. In ihrer jüngsten Rangliste »Where is doing business easy?« stuft die Weltbank Deutschland lediglich als Nummer 19 ein, deutlich hinter acht anderen EU-Ländern.”

(Fortsetzung folgt.)

Autor und Quelle: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

„Ich fühle mich wie eine Person, die von einer Gruppe Schläger angegriffen und verletzt wird. Man vergibt die Schläger, aber muss man andere Menschen vor ihnen warnen.“ – George Sand

„Der Staat ist für die Menschen und nicht die Menschen für den Staat.” – Albert Einstein

„Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin




“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


If Hitler Couldn’t, then Who Can? (Naturally Not a Problem, though, at the Technical University of Munich) – 6

„When a new law is drafted in Germany and presented to the Bundestag for the members’ consideration, it is true that the question of what costs the new law will generate, if enacted, must be answered. Usually, however, the terse response ‘none’ is routinely entered here, because the question refers only to the public administration of the law. The question of how much of a burden the new law will be to the German economy is never answered.“

(To be continued)

Author and Source: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

“I feel like someone who has been attacked and injured by a group of thugs. You forgive the thugs, but at the same time you have to warn other people about them.” – George Sand

“The government exists for the people, not the people for the government.“ – Albert Einstein

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin



“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001


„Wenn Hitler es nicht schaffen konnte, wer denn? (Dies ist aber natürlich kein Problem an der Technischen Universität München) – 6

“Zwar muss bei der Vorlage eines Gesetzentwurfs stets die Frage beantwortet werden, welche Kosten die Umsetzung verursacht. Doch meist steht da der lapidare Vermerk »keine«. Denn die Frage bezieht sich nur auf die öffentliche Verwaltung. Welche Kosten der Wirtschaft durch die neuen Regeln aufgebürdet werden, ist damit nicht gesagt.”

(Fortsetzung folgt.)

Autor und Quelle: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

„Ich fühle mich wie eine Person, die von einer Gruppe Schläger angegriffen und verletzt wird. Man vergibt die Schläger, aber muss man andere Menschen vor ihnen warnen.“ – George Sand

„Der Staat ist für die Menschen und nicht die Menschen für den Staat.” – Albert Einstein

„Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin




“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


If Hitler Couldn’t, then Who Can? (Naturally Not a Problem, though, at the Technical University of Munich) – 5

„There have been four German government commissions attempting to control an increase in bureaucracy – but rules and regulations have nevertheless shown rampant growth. In looking for reasons for this phenomenon, economists have cited the self-interest of civil servants. In order to justify the positions they hold, legislatures, governments, and the authorities produce more and more laws, ordinances, and regulations. In the 1960’s the German Federal Law Gazette had an average of 1,440 pages a year. Since the year 2000 the annual average has been approaching 3,200 pages. Since 1999, the German federal government has enacted 122 more laws and 178 more ordinances than it has repealed.“

(To be continued)

Author and Source: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

“I feel like someone who has been attacked and injured by a group of thugs. You forgive the thugs, but at the same time you have to warn other people about them.” – George Sand

“The government exists for the people, not the people for the government.“ – Albert Einstein

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin



“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001


„Wenn Hitler es nicht schaffen konnte, wer denn? (Dies ist aber natürlich kein Problem an der Technischen Universität München) – 5

“Vier Kommissionen gegen Bürokratie – und die Paragrafen wucherten weiter: Auf der Suche nach dem Grund führen Ökonomen das Eigeninteresse der Staatsdiener auf: Um die eigene Position zu rechtfertigen, produzieren Parlamente, Regierungen und Behörden immer mehr Gesetze, Verordnungen und Ausführungsbestimmungen. In den sechziger Jahren hatte das Bundesgesetzblatt einen durchschnittlichen Umfang von 1440 Seiten im Jahr, seit Anfang dieses Jahrzehnts sind es annähernd 3200 Seiten. Anders gesagt: Seit 1999 hat die Bundesregierung 122 Gesetze und 178 Verordnungen mehr erlassen als abgeschafft.”

(Fortsetzung folgt.)

Autor und Quelle: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

„Ich fühle mich wie eine Person, die von einer Gruppe Schläger angegriffen und verletzt wird. Man vergibt die Schläger, aber muss man andere Menschen vor ihnen warnen.“ – George Sand

„Der Staat ist für die Menschen und nicht die Menschen für den Staat.” – Albert Einstein

„Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin




“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


If Hitler Couldn’t, then Who Can? (Naturally Not a Problem, though, at the Technical University of Munich) – 4

„What does ‘bureaucracy’ really mean, though? One example can be found in the 160 ‘threshold levels’ of German labor and welfare laws. These laws answer questions such as: how large should a company be before a factory physician must be appointed? Is a works committee required? Under what conditions is a company obliged to have a break room? What statistics are required for companies of which size? Fuchs says, ‘The owner of a medium-sized company in Germany cannot overlook all that’. In any case, it’s all expensive for him. According to one foundation survey, German medium-sized companies pay almost 40 billion euros (about 48 billion U.S. dollars) per annum for German bureaucracy.“

(To be continued)

Author and Source: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

“I feel like someone who has been attacked and injured by a group of thugs. You forgive the thugs, but at the same time you have to warn other people about them.” – George Sand

“The government exists for the people, not the people for the government.“ – Albert Einstein

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin



“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001


„Wenn Hitler es nicht schaffen konnte, wer denn? (Dies ist aber natürlich kein Problem an der Technischen Universität München) – 4

“Bürokratie – was heißt das? Ein Beispiel sind die 160 »Schwellenwerte« im deutschen Arbeits- und Sozialrecht. Ab welcher Größe muss ein Werksarzt bestellt werden? Ist ein Betriebsrat zu bilden? Wann wird der Ruheraum obligatorisch? Welche Statistikpflichten entstehen bei welcher Betriebsgröße? Fuchs sagt: »Ein mittelständischer Unternehmer kann das gar nicht überblicken.« Auf jeden Fall kommt es ihn teuer zu stehen. Fast 40 Milliarden Euro, so die Stiftung Marktwirtschaft, zahle der Mittelstand jährlich für die deutsche Bürokratie.”

(Fortsetzung folgt.)

Autor und Quelle: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

„Ich fühle mich wie eine Person, die von einer Gruppe Schläger angegriffen und verletzt wird. Man vergibt die Schläger, aber muss man andere Menschen vor ihnen warnen.“ – George Sand

„Der Staat ist für die Menschen und nicht die Menschen für den Staat.” – Albert Einstein

„Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin




“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


If Hitler Couldn’t, then Who Can? (Naturally Not a Problem, though, at the Technical University of Munich) – 3

„And in fact, in the agreement signed by the political parties that form the current German government coalition, there is a whole chapter about ‘Easing the Costs of Bureaucracy for the Average Citizen and the Economy’. Chancellor Angela Merkel also announced in her formal speech on the state of the government: ‘We can achieve the most by dismantling bureaucracy.’ She said that small and medium-size businesses spend an amount equal to four to six percent of sales for the costs of bureaucracy, and there must be an end to such a situation. ‘This will be a particularly important question for us, and we will direct the search for an answer right from the chancellor’s office’.“

(To be continued)

Author and Source: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

“I feel like someone who has been attacked and injured by a group of thugs. You forgive the thugs, but at the same time you have to warn other people about them.” – George Sand

“The government exists for the people, not the people for the government.“ – Albert Einstein

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin



“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001


„Wenn Hitler es nicht schaffen konnte, wer denn? (Dies ist aber natürlich kein Problem an der Technischen Universität München) – 3

“In der Tat steht nicht nur im Koalitionsvertrag ein ganzes Kapitel über die »Entlastung der Bürger und der Wirtschaft von Bürokratiekosten«. In ihrer Regierungserklärung verkündete Kanzlerin Angela Merkel auch: »Am meisten können wir beim Bürokratieabbau leisten.« Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen gäben vier bis sechs Prozent ihres Umsatzes für Bürokratiekosten aus. Schluss damit: »Dies wird eine ganz besonders wichtige Aufgabe sein, deren Lösung wir vom Kanzleramt aus steuern werden.«”

(Fortsetzung folgt.)

Autor und Quelle: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

„Ich fühle mich wie eine Person, die von einer Gruppe Schläger angegriffen und verletzt wird. Man vergibt die Schläger, aber muss man andere Menschen vor ihnen warnen.“ – George Sand

„Der Staat ist für die Menschen und nicht die Menschen für den Staat.” – Albert Einstein

„Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin




“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001

(Eine Deutsche Fassung steht weiter unten. German version below – German language character set required for correct display.)


If Hitler Couldn’t, then Who Can? (Naturally Not a Problem, though, at the Technical University of Munich) – 2

“ ‘I’ve always gotten extremely annoyed,’ says Fuchs, ‘whenever bureaucracy has kept me from my work.’ In the last legislative session he headed a working group for his party, the Christian Democrats, that was devoted to dismantling bureaucracy. The group put forward a motion that was described at the time as ‘being like nothing the Bundestag had ever seen before, because of its thoroughness and its systematic approach.’ That was in the summer of 2003 – and nothing happened. In November 2004, Fuchs and his comrades-in-arms added some concrete suggestions to their motion. After the first parliamentary reading, the motion was simply left hanging. Fuchs is carrying on the struggle, though, in the current session of the Bundestag. After the recent general election, he presented twenty ‘Immediate Steps for Dismantling Bureaucracy for Small Businesses and their Founders.’ Fuchs thinks that this time he’ll succeed’.”

(To be continued)

Author and Source: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

“I feel like someone who has been attacked and injured by a group of thugs. You forgive the thugs, but at the same time you have to warn other people about them.” – George Sand

“The government exists for the people, not the people for the government.“ – Albert Einstein

“I love (my country) more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin



“Hitler’s tirades against government bureaucracy were well known to all those who came into contact with him. His scorn for legally minded administrators knew no bounds. He took the view that their number could be cut by two-thirds….It was easy to gain his support for the action to reduce bureaucracy. To implement any such measures was a different matter.” – Kershaw, Ian, “Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis”, Penguin Press, London, 2001


„Wenn Hitler es nicht schaffen konnte, wer denn? (Dies ist aber natürlich kein Problem an der Technischen Universität München) – 2

„»Ich habe mich immer geärgert, wenn mich die Bürokratie vom Arbeiten abhält«, sagt Fuchs. Bereits in der vergangenen Legislaturperiode leitete er die Arbeitsgruppe Bürokratieabbau der Unionsfraktion. Die legte einen Antrag vor, der sich »von allen Vorgängerpapieren durch seine Grundsätzlichkeit und Systematik unterscheidet«, hieß es damals. Das war im Sommer 2003 – und Folgen blieben aus. Im November 2004 reichten Fuchs und seine Mitstreiter konkrete Vorschläge nach. Der Antrag blieb nach der ersten Lesung hängen. Im neuen Bundestag kämpft Fuchs weiter. Nach der Wahl hat er 20 »Sofortmaßnahmen zum Bürokratieabbau für Kleinunternehmer und Existenzgründer« vorgelegt. Diesmal, glaubt Fuchs, werde es klappen.“

(Fortsetzung folgt.)

Autor und Quelle: Schmid, Klaus-Peter, „Jedes Gesetz hat seine Lobby”, Die Zeit, 02/2006.

„Ich fühle mich wie eine Person, die von einer Gruppe Schläger angegriffen und verletzt wird. Man vergibt die Schläger, aber muss man andere Menschen vor ihnen warnen.“ – George Sand

„Der Staat ist für die Menschen und nicht die Menschen für den Staat.” – Albert Einstein

„Ich liebe (mein Land) mehr, als alle anderen Länder der Welt, und genau aus diesem Grund bestehe ich auf das Recht, es ewig zu kritisieren.“ – James Baldwin



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