

发信人: tjvegita (天骄一帝王贝), 信区: Lecture
标 题: Re: 提个建议
发信站: 我爱南开站(2008年09月17日14:34:30 星期三), 站内信件


展空间的” 现在终于知道什么是“发展空间”了套用师兄的话“中国的很多东西还真




所以我现在特别想把我们上课说的那些食品问题贴出来 Continue reading



6月5日是哈佛大学毕业典礼周的最后一天,正式毕业典礼在Tercentenary Theatre举行。
这一天的主讲人,是“哈利·波特”的作者罗琳(J.K. Rowling)。42岁的罗琳身穿白底粉花齐膝连衣裙、乳白色毛衣披肩,与周围身穿黑色博士服或深色西装革履的学者绅士迥然不同。她的神态也有些像小姑娘见大场面似的局促不安,这与旁边的女校长形成鲜明对比。 Continue reading

威廉.J.斯顿茨(William J. Stuntz):癌症随想

[今年年初,哈佛法学院教授威廉.J.斯顿茨(William J. Stuntz)在体检中发现患有癌症。最近的消息,癌症已经是晚期。我曾几次听过斯顿茨教的讲座,参加过他组织的读书小组,深为他的才思敏捷所吸引。他人极和善,对待学生热情,也有很多朋友。消息传来,朋友、学生们都很担心——癌症本身就是个令人绝望的消息,更何况是他这样一位事业如日中天的壮年人。斯顿茨教授却处之泰然,让人敬佩。以下是一篇他近来在博客上发表的文章。原文见这里]


我从前没有经历过这些,但根据听到和读到的东西,我现在似乎该开始问些问题:为什么会在我身上发生这样的事呢? 说老实话,我从来没想过这些问题。

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Congratulations LL.M. Class of 2008

Congratulations LL.M. Class of 2008
We Are Almost There
Maritza Reyes

Some of my fellow LL.M. students have asked me to share my sentiments about our experiences at Harvard Law School. I am honored by their request and humbly comply. This is not a good-bye essay but an “until we meet again” message. First and foremost, I congratulate the LL.M. class of 2008 and our families for reaching this professional milestone. We share in this accomplishment with our loved ones who cheered us from afar or traveled to be here with us. We thank them for their patience, love, and encouragement. We also thank those members of the faculty and staff at HLS who went above and beyond their job responsibilities to make us feel welcomed. Thank you for the professional and respectful treatment that you provided to each of us. We also convey our appreciation to the J.D.s who demonstrated genuine interest in our perspectives and diverse backgrounds. Last but not least, cheers to the S.J.D.s who helped us to understand “the ways” of Harvard Law and the Graduate Program.
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Some Good Chinese Movies

Crazy Stone (2006)

Farewell My Concubine (1993)

In the Heat of the Sun (1995)

Platform (2000)

Mahjong (1996)

Shaolin Temple (1982)

Maybe to add some cartoon movies:

Baby Tadpoles Look for Their Mother (1960);

The Monkey King (1964).

The following two are just for fun. In 2005 Chen Kaige shot Wuji, which cost a huge amount of money but turned out to be a really crappy one. A netizen used some of his movie clips to make a humorous story named A Story of Murder Originated from A Piece of Bread, and then posted it on internet. The latter, aimed at making fun of Wuji, got millions of clicking from China and abroad. Chen was mad at the netizen and even threatened him with a litigation.

Wuji (2005); and a response video

A Story of Murder Originated from A Piece of Bread (2005) (19 minutes)


These films demonstrates the power of Chinese propaganda:

The Great Decisive War I, II, and III (1991).

You can find all these movies by simply copying and googling them. Enjoy, my friends.

The Harvard Law (Movie) Review: Lust, Caution

The Harvard Law (Movie) Review: Lust, Caution

Yvonne Tew HLS  RECORD

Ang Lee’s latest movie, Lust, Caution, exhibits considerable lust and much less caution. One leaves the cinema with mixed emotions and the feeling that this was a movie that was almost great; it comes so close that I feel that I ought to love it, I want to love it, but I merely feel that I ought to want to love it. Ang Lee delivers several poignant moments in this story of tortured love and espionage set in Hong Kong and Japanese-occupied Shanghai during the 1940s, but the movie would have been more potent if its scenes had been crystallized into a shorter version, instead of its prolonged 158 minutes. Continue reading


我出一个题目:如何用一句简单易懂的话来评价粤菜呢?我相信粤菜无敌于天下。在中国,粤菜可与川菜二分天下,各占半壁江山。粤菜虽然在地域的分布上不如川菜广泛,它仅能影响以广东为半径辐射的少数地区,而川菜则正在渗透全中国。正如从农村包围城市,近年来川菜几乎攻占全国所有大中城市,如果你走遍全国的大中城市,你都会找到它的踪迹。它的著名商标就是招牌菜:水煮鱼。连我所在的以寡淡口味闻名的城市福州,也满街尽悬“水煮活鱼”的招牌,只不过加了一个“活字”以挽回福州人喜鲜的心理。可见,川菜是如何以摧枯拉朽之势横扫全中国的。 Continue reading