‘Beyond Words: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections’ Review: A Trove of Beautiful Books (via WSJ)

“In the era of disembodied texts on Kindles, it’s easy to forget that books used to be created entirely by hand.1

[Missal (use of Noyon) : manuscript, [ca. 1240-ca. 1250]

1Scherer, B. L. (2016, Sep 13). ‘Beyond words: Illuminated manuscripts in boston collections’ review: A trove of beautiful books; in the era of disembodied texts on kindles, it’s easy to forget that books used to be created entirely by hand. Wall Street Journal (Online) Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/docview/1818936259?accountid=11311

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