Creativity Journals

Since I write these things for class, I’ve decided to post my disorganized ramblings on creativity and the creative problem solving. I’ll update with a new installment weekly (or thereabouts). You can always find the link to the right under Pages > Creativity Journals.

Since everyone has something to say about creativity, maybe some of you will comment. I’d love to know what the anonymous masses think.

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One thought on “Creativity Journals

  1. A different approach for coming up with creative ideas is to repeat the manipulation format of previous creative ideas to come up with new ideas.
    For instance, some creative ideas result in an innovation of a product or service that actualy includes a reduction of features or options.
    You can produce new innovation ideas by repeating this pattern – reduce some of the features of your service or product and make it simpler, cheaper, etc.
    For more creative ideas – see

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