What does Charlie Baker like about Steve Bannon?

Charlie Baker has once again proven he is a weak coward. He failed the Bannon test.

Bannon has a history of domestic violence, intimidation of victims, and the promotion of hate speech against gays, Jews, and blacks. Charlie Baker has said that he is concerned with Trump’s appointment of Bannon, but that he’s going to wait-and-see before pre-judging.

Baker, what more information would you like before making an assessment? I called yesterday to find out.

Here’s roughly what I said:

Hi, good morning. How are you?

My name is Joshua Reyes. I live in Cambridge, MA. And I have a few questions about some of the governor’s recent comments.

I’d like to know what he likes about Bannon’s past? Baker said we should not pre-judge his appointment. So please tell me what about Bannon does Baker approve of?

Baker’s aide told me that he had not commented on Bannon, but rather on the entire Trump administration—which is simply not true, Baker did comment on Bannon explicitly. After the aide told me she cannot speak on behalf of Charlie Baker, I asked:

How can I find out more about what he thinks? Will you tell him I’d like him to clarify his position?

Then I politely ended the conversation:

Thank you for your time. Have a good day.

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Charlie Baker, what more do you need to learn about Bannon to judge him?