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All the Lydon interviews in one download

September 9, 2003 by Dave Winer.

My friend Chris Lydon is breaking new ground in creating for the Web. With the help of Bob Doyle, he has taken an art that used to be practiced in a studio, with a staff of a dozen or more people, and shrunk it down to a knapsack of hardware, and turned Chris, an inspired radio journalist, into a one-man band. His medium is MP3, I think of his work as a weblog for your ears.

His interviews (in alphabetic order, by name of the file): Harold Bloom, Ed Cone, Daily Kos, Robert Fisk, James Glieck, Glenn Reynolds, Julie Powell, Stephen Kinzer, The Real Preacher, Elaine Scarry, Doc Searls, David Sifry, Slugger O’Toole, Polly Toynbee, Eugene Volokh, David Weinberger, and myself. He also has a full Howard Dean speech, given in Concord, NH, and interviews with people who were present at the speech.

I wanted a single download that contained all his interviews from the summer of 2003. I had a little free time, so I put it together. You can download it here, it’s over 200 megabytes. On a slow DSL line it might take five hours or more to download. But when it’s done you’ll have a snapshot in time, the stories of some of the leaders of the blogging world, in their own words, in their own voices.