On trying to install the Oracle JDK on ubuntu 16.04 I kept getting ERROR 404: Not Found. After some searching I found out that the problem is that there is a new version of java and the installer (which is essentially a wrapper around the Oracle installer) wasn’t updated to reference it.

Since I needed this not as an update, but an install (and I just wanted to know why it was broken), I ended up updating some configs (with the help of pointers from a SO article).

To fix it on ubuntu x64 you need to sub out the file name, URL and checksum for the old version (191) with the new version (201).

cd /var/lib/dpkg/info
sed -i 's|JAVA_VERSION=8u191|JAVA_VERSION=8u201|' oracle-java8-installer.*
sed -i 's|PARTNER_URL=http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u191-b12/2787e4a523244c269598db4e85c51e0c/|PARTNER_URL=https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u201-b09/42970487e3af4f5aa5bca3f542482c60/|' oracle-java8-installer.*
sed -i 's|SHA256SUM_TGZ="53c29507e2405a7ffdbba627e6d64856089b094867479edc5ede4105c1da0d65"|SHA256SUM_TGZ="cb700cc0ac3ddc728a567c350881ce7e25118eaf7ca97ca9705d4580c506e370"|' oracle-java8-installer.*
sed -i 's|J_DIR=jdk1.8.0_191|J_DIR=jdk1.8.0_201|' oracle-java8-installer.*

After that, rerun apt-get update, apt-get install oracle-java8-installer and you are set to go.