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Archive for the 'beyondbroadcast' Category

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Zuckerman History of the Net in Five


Thanks Bruneu7. i look forward to all our students listening to and thinking about this.

“the smartest thinking I’ve ever seen about citizen media” -ethan zuckerman

Bless you Ethan for amplifying this brilliant approach to community programming. Bless you Ronaldo for fostering it.

Arielle Silver – Odessa

Here’s Arielle. She was my assistant until she up and left to go on tour. She followed her dream in a van burning vegatable oil all the way to Odessa. She comes into my office to tell me about what she has seen and learned and given and sing for me the fun she gives. She has a ton of stories mixing up with song. She’s looking for part-time work.

hello megan s. conklin

rodica introduces me to you. how do i meet you.


sitting in the back of the room at beyondbroadcast watching a media object form, participating in it as actor and architect, collaborating with a communnity on the frontier of expressing common identity.

back to eon. i speak into a blog. how the Internet can elicit the best from its users, allowing all of us to communicate, teach, and learn in environments that tend towards moderation and understanding, without imposing undue gatekeeping and control:

z says: you @ conf?
charley says: yep
z says: thought i’d spring the cafe hypo
charley says: spring it
z says: did you speak today?
charley says: i welcome
charley says: i close
z says: you rule
charley says:
:exclamation point! this is rhetorical space. its currency is the power of your argument. thanks z>


my closing – thanks to the click heard round the world

“there is divinity in the net. our challenge is to be gentle to our enemies. ” thanks rebecca