Check out our new extension for Chrome! 

Now you can seamlessly create Perma Links without interrupting the flow of your browsing. Just install the free plugin via the Chrome store and you’ll be able to connect to your account. 

You log into this browser extension via your API key, which can be found in the tools section of your dashboard.

Once you enter your key into the extension you will be able to start creating Perma Links right as you are browsing.

When you are on a page that you’d like to archive, simply open the extension, select the folder you’d like the link to be affiliated with, and click “archive this page.”

Progress will be shown at the bottom of the tray, along with a list of any other captures that have been made of that URL on your account. 

When you’re done working on your project and would like to see your Perma Links, they will display as normal on your dashboard. 

For a live walk through, you can check out this Youtube video.