A Xavier Teacher’s Prayer

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Today, 2 February 2016, marks 40 days after Christmas. Called Candlemas in Catholicism, it is more importantly also the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. In Eastern Orthodox tradition, it is one of the 12 major feasts.

Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. PVRIFICATIO by Jerome Nadal, SJ. Commissioned by St Ignatius Loyola as part of Evangelicae Historiae Imagines, published in 1593. Enhancements mine.

Scripture recounts this event through the Gospel according to St Luke, chapter 2, verses 22-40. When Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple, they encounter Simeon, the “just and devout man” of Jerusalem. In verse 32, Simeon declares Jesus as “A Light of revelation to the Gentiles,” (NASB).

The Gospel reading for today’s feast, some of the readings I’ve done in the past few days and weeks, the lectures I’ve watched, and some of the events that have transpired, reminded me of a prayer that was crafted especially for the teachers of Xavier School. Simeon’s declaration reminds us that we don’t just nurse the light for “the chosen ones,” but we do so for everyone, regardless of who they are, in the hope of creating a community that can be a light to the world.

Below is A Xavier Teacher’s Prayer *:

Dearest Lord,

Who are the Light of the World,
Help me
to spread your radiance today.

Guide me
so that I may be a light to others,
especially to those
who find themselves
in pain and in darkness:

That through my words,
they may hear Your voice;

That through my actions,
they may feel Your touch;

That through my presence,
they may catch a glimpse
of Your shining face.

Grant me the light
to recognize
Your goodness in others
especially in those whom
You have entrusted to my care:

Help me
to nurse the light in them,
No matter how small the flicker,
No matter how hard to find,

So that in time,
they themselves may discover
Your light within them
and through their words
and their deeds,
they may let Your light shine
in a world
in such great need of You.


St. Francis Xavier, pray for us.

* Source: Xavier School Faculty Manual, 2013

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