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Hitchhiking in the USA: The free way to travel.

Hitchhiking in the united states can vary from state to state, but generally it can be superb,simply due to the long rides. Howeever i strongly recommended that woman or even man, do NOT hitch alone (every thing can happen, you know…).

A sure way to of getting long rides in relative comfort and at speeds in excess of general 55 mph limit is to ask for rides all truck stops. At Union 76 truck stops there will often be hundreds of trucks going to all parts of america. Just ask the drivers in the canteen. By using this method i managed to cover over 1000 miles from Mexico to New Orlean with only two rides. Truck stop directories can be obtained free at all truck stops.

Hitchhiking is forbidden on freeways and all interstates, so get your rides on the ramps, at rest areas, or at service areas. With regard to other roads, the laws vary from state to state, but even if hitchhiking is techically illegal, you can usually still get away with it if you are standing on the shoulder of side walk, and sometimes even if you are walking ith the traffic, regardless of the fact that you might be walking backwards.’I had no problem except the usually ones. The police are ok, though they may ask to see your identification’.’Police in New York warned me,”Ten days in jail if we see you again”.The next day i was given a ride by policeman’.

Never carry any dope. Display your national flag. Always carry a sign saying where you want to go.’I carried two signs: one stating your destination, the other saying PLEASE. Fantastic results’. Female should not use destination signs; that way you have a chance to look over the driver befode accepting’. Avoid getting off in cities if you do’nt want to stay there.’People who gave us lifts often gave us meals and even a bad for the night’.

‘Warning to female hitchhikers: do’nt hitch overnight trucks unless willing to satisfy the driver. No malice intended but “payment” is excepted. At least that’s would i found, and i was hitching with my boyfriend’.’I often got rides with truckers and foun them nice and helpfull people. I slept in a car three times without having to grant any favours, and i was a female alone. I’m not recomending overnight rides with truckers nor hitchhiking alone for the matter, but i had no bad experience.’

Holidays, especially Labor day, are good times to travel as there are millions of cars on the road. If you do’nt want to thumb, try radio station or look on the local (especially the freaky) papers.’For hitching long-distance, or if you are prepared to share the driving, try the ride boards at universities- either advertise yourself or go to see what’s offered. I got from Chicago to San Francisco this way in one car.’

‘When crossin the us-canadian border do not say you are a hitchhiker’.’Beware the heat in the Southwest, i.e. anywhere between LA and mid-Texas. In this area hitchers should carry a large container of water and some salt tablets. Hitchers have been found dead on this side of the road due to dehydration’.’ I hitch 9500 miles with over 130 lifts and all but two were very friendly and helpful. I got beds, showers, endless meals, and made friends while hitching. Far more rewarding than bus travel.’

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