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dear solo: it’s “self-help” not “help yourself”


Are lawyers confusing Abbie Hoffman’s yippie advice book  HoffmanSteal
with Jay Foonberg’s classic How to Start and Build a Law PracticeFoonbergBook 
Here’s what Laura O. at the Oregon Legal Research weblog told her readers on Nov. 1, 2006:
Book Thieves: Among other books in my law library, our latest Foonberg has been stolen (and people wonder why library staff keep (or itch to keep) books “behind the desk”). I’ve heard that Foonberg’s, “How to Start and Build a Law Practice,” is among the most commonly stolen books in law libraries. What does this say about certain lawyers? . . . . “
Starting your own law practice is indeed a good topic for self-helpers, and we hope Foonberg’s $70 volume is widely available at public and academic libraries.  But, helping yourself to Foonberg, or any other library book, is not fair to other users (and is almost certainly illegal in most states).   Rather than risking prison, embarrassment or disbarassment, we suggest that the penurious potential shingle-hanger take advantage of the comprehensive Online Guide to Creating a Law Practice assembled by Shingler-in-Chief Carolyn Elefant.

1 Comment

  1. david giacalone

    November 10, 2006 @ 4:23 pm


    Laurie Orr has followed up her post on Foonberg thievery with the five stages of book-theft grief.