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The Longest Now

Wikinews and Blogs
Saturday February 05th 2005, 7:06 pm
Filed under: %a la mod

Wikinews had a dense and lovely chat about blogging tonight.  In attendance were Brendan, Carl, j, and M, Joi, RMack, jwales, Angela, Susan Crawford,  et al.

You can check out the running IRC log (2) or see what other bloggers are saying:

Joi  |  Jwales  | Angela

There’s something about overlapping IRC chats that is conducive
to later consideration… to relish their flavor.  In this case,
the flavor was largely of participants explaining the project, and
later on of techies discussing options for feedback loops.  The
best part was after ado showed up and we started talking speed of
implementation, and who could most easily do it.  Props to
autrijius tang, who’s already set up a trackback –> mediawiki interface.

Wikinews and Blogs …

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