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The Longest Now

oportunidades y ucpn
Wednesday October 10th 2007, 11:43 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Un Computador Por Niño, a project of Chile, has an interesting description of their goals — a “Meta” (how can I not like this?).

I’ve tried to put them in touch with my favorite architect, but to no great effect so far. I see they have a typo in their banner… I should drop them a line.

Thanks for commenting on our campaing. Here it goes the campaign’s goal in English , just to make it easy for those of you who are still unaware of the misteries of the Spanish language:

‘ One Computer per Child ( is a citizen-led initiative aimed at promoting free and permanent access to computers for at least 1 million Chilean children living in poverty before our bicentennial (2010)’

Comment by Luis Ramirez 10.20.07 @ 11:30 am

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