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Restaurant Associates Feedback

Last week I met with Larry Harris, the manager of Restaurant Associates here at HLS, to share some of the feedback we’ve received from you via emails, the blog, and discussions with your Reps.  Here’s what I learned.

Regarding running out of tea, hot chocolate, soy milk, etc. at the free coffee stations.

  • RA is aware of the problem and has taken steps lately to monitor this more closely and to try to ensure things do not run out.
  • Providing fresh milk/cream is, unfortunately, not a viable option because, for health reasons, they can’t put out enough to last for any significant period of time.

People have asked for nutritional information to be posted at the Hark.

  • RA currently has the “balance choice” information posted and improved vegetarian labeling.  Specifically, what nutritional information would people like to see available at the Hark?

Larry will see what he can do about getting Heinz ketchup instead of Hunt’s.

People have asked for non-dairy protein options like humus or peanut butter at the free bagel stations.

  • Humus is not really available in pre-packed, individual portioned packages, and peanut butter, even in such individual portioned packages, presents allergy concerns to those allergic to nuts.

Food labeling concerns.

  • RA has taken steps to improve the consistency of labeling vegetarian items.  Look for improvements in this area and speak up if you don’t see such improvement.
  • Vegan labeling and ingredient labeling has been requested, and these are things RA would like to do, but are surprisingly more work intensive than one might think.  They are looking into trying to make it happen.

Vegetarian options.

  • RA has a goal of always offering at least one vegetarian entree option.  Consistency on this should be improving.  Please let us know if you don’t see such improvement.

Some people have said that they feel the quality of the global station entrees (the serve yourself, rotating entree station) have declined under RA.

  • This is of great concern to Larry, and he would love to here specific feedback from people on how.  What dishes are not up to par?  How are they not so?

Salad bar concerns.

  • Someone requested small containers for togo packaging of salad dressings.  While this seems not super eco-friendly (my editorializing not RA’s), Larry will look into making this happen.
  • Someone also said that, in there experience, the salad bar is not refilled throughout the serving period and that they run out of some items.  Larry said, this is certainly not their policy and he will look into it to make sure that is not happening.

On a more general note, it does seem that RA is working hard to make the food service here more appealing to us.  They make their own pizzas now, use olive and canola oil rather than butter whenever possible, and are very open to feedback.  Give us your feedback here or email Larry Harris directly ( and it will be implemented whenever possible.

As always, your feedback is welcome.


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  1. NH

    December 4, 2008 @ 4:09 pm


    Hi, thank you for following up on our concerns. About the comment that the to-go containers for the salad dressing are not eco-friendly, it may create slightly more plastic, but these containers are essential for those buying salads to-go. Otherwise, if you pour dressing in the salad container itself it seeps out (the stuff in my bag has gotten ruined before because of this) and the salad gets soggy. There are other ways to discourage waste (as distinguished from necessary use) of these containers, e.g. charging for them, but not providing them at all is not the answer.

    Thank you for reading.

  2. Katie

    December 4, 2008 @ 6:15 pm


    Why was there no snack cart this week?

  3. Johnny

    December 4, 2008 @ 6:21 pm


    I would agree that the options at the global station have declined. Personally, I ate at that station every single day last year, and have probably only had it 4-5 times this year.

    For one, there are fewer options. Last year, there would typically be at least 2, usually 3 main entree options. It was very rare that there wasn’t something on the bar that I would like. This year, there is simply not as much variety. Most days, I take a look at the offerings and quickly move on to find something else.

    It doesn’t help to have two bins of everything – everyone has to wait in line just as long, since only the first of each item is ever actually being served from. Why not take the second half of the line and put in some more items? Add some more basic, impossible to screw up items. Turkey and gravy. Fish. Chicken parmesan. You know, staple items.

    Also, the sandwich line has declined. It seems like they barely put any meat in the sandwiches this year.

    Finally, there needs to be honey mustard (preferably), french, or good ol’ fatty ranch dressing available on the salad bar every day. Again – it seems like half the time I can’t find anything I like. I’m really not that picky! (Or at least I never thought I was last year…)

  4. J

    December 4, 2008 @ 10:05 pm


    Why are the sodas in the Hark more expensive than the ones in the machines? I realize that RA has different costs than the vending company, but it just discourages people from buying drinks in the Hark.

  5. a

    December 4, 2008 @ 10:16 pm


    I don’t like the same food/week section where the vegetarian food used to be last year. Students get bored of eating the same thing for lunch every day during the week, and if they are unsatisfied with the choices at the main entree section, they will find they have nothing to eat, but salad.

    P.S. Where is the sushi guy?

  6. Ella

    December 4, 2008 @ 10:45 pm


    I love the salad bar, but I’m wondering why there are no longer any garden salads available at the Hark cafe? As much as I would love to eat 700 calories with my cesar salad (croutons + cheese + dressing + chicken…. mmmm), that’s not really the greatest afternoon snack, once the salad bar closes.

    Also, we can’t have peanut butter in individual packages because some people have nuts allergies? that doesn’t sound reasonable. That would mean that you can’t sell any nuts products at all, and while we’re at it, let’s ban all milk products because some people are lactose intolerant, and hey, bread doesn’t sit well with some people, so let’s get rid of that one, along with shellfish. how about people who are allergic to peanut butter just not eat the peanut butter?

  7. Alan

    December 5, 2008 @ 4:13 pm


    I think “Johnny” nailed it.

  8. SM

    January 9, 2009 @ 10:44 am


    -their peanut butter explanation makes no sense at all and I would love to see peanut butter (and maybe whole wheat sliced bread too?) at the bagel stations.

    -they frequently don’t have milk. When they do, they only have skim milk in the tiny containers as opposed to the Milk Chug bottles. One time, nobody knew where any milk was and they told me to just take some from the coffee-milk dispensers!

    -the sushi guy was way better than the chili bar.

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