Work to be done is my August, 2007 Linux For Suits column in Linux Journal. It lays out the almost zero-based challenge of making VRM tools happen. We need code here, and we don’t have it yet. Not any we’d call primarily VRM, anyway. There are tools that may be VRM-like, or do some VRM work. But none yet that were invented for the single-minded purpose of equipping individuals with tools that help them build real and productive relationships with vendors.

That remains the challenge here. We need code.

That’s what I’d like to see us put on the front burner for VRM sessions at the next IIW (), scheduled for December 3-5 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View.

These workshops have been, without exception, the most productive I’ve ever seen. Stuff happens there. Parties that would be natural enemies in other venues scribble on whiteboards and pound on laptops, working things out.

Look forward to seeing you there.