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Global Macro

one economic crisis of unbalance


The US’s economic crisis is partly a result of over-consumption, whereas Chinese economic crisis is partly from under-consumtion. If these two unbalanced rebalanced, the consequence of this global financial crisis will be much less severe.

movement — Enlightenment


Enlightenment was a historical period when dozens of schools of thought blooming and debating in various fields of studies, such as philosophy, law, politics, science, art and music.

From its cradle — France, Germany, the Britain, Netheland, and Italy — to the rest of Europe, and even to America, the intellectual and philosophical movement has create the modern western world. For example, Adam Smith’s ‘wealth of nation’, Edward Gibbon’s ‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’, Jean-Kacques Rousseau’s social contract theory,  Thomas Paine’s ‘Common Sense’, Montesquieu’s separation of powers theory, John Locke’s theory of the relationship between state and individuals, Gottfried Leibniz’s invention of calculus, Ignacy Krasicki’s ‘Fables and Parables’, Immaneul Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin’s contribution to ‘the United States Declaration of Independence’, Thomas Hobbes’s ‘Leviathan’, Johann Gottfried von Herder’s prolific philosophical ideas (e.g. the dependence of thought on language), Father of the Symphony Joseph Haydn’s influnce on music, and Denis Diderot’s creature of Encyclopédie.

Enlightenment, just like other parts of the human history, has its up and down. After WWII, the Enlightenment has become the burden to the development of a modern society, and thus evolved into divergent point of views, such as liberalism, socialism, and etc. In the macro background of changes across the globe, with the micro level of necessity of development, Englightenment has forced to leave its historical importance, if not voluntarily, in favor of new model to fit in the needy society and solve raising problems.

Law school’s future.



“XI. Tomorrow: The Familiar and the Necessary,” Arthur E. Sutherland, The Law at Harvard, (Cambridge, 1967).
p364. Our duty is to teach men to education themselves in a corpus of professional learning not yet in existence.

P 367 Somehow we must develop men who can train themselves in all the now unforeseen aspects of his governmental movement as it develops during the coming tow and more generations.

P 368 Man is a creature of habit and tends to like what he has.

p369 Our universe is changing. We had better accept it changes and all.

Who needs legal education


Daniel R. Coquillette, Justinian in Braintree: John Adams, Civilian Learning, and Legal Elitism, 1758-1775, Law in Colonial Massachusetts 1630-1800 (eds. Daniel R. Coquillette, Robert J. Brink & Catherine S. Menand) (Boston, 1984), 359-82.

“The best source of intellectual and social excitement was the occasional visits of the circuit judges to the local courthouse. “

“Life with Putnam was not all roses. Adams would later lament that ‘now I feel the Disadvantages of Putnams Insociability, and neglect of me. Had he given me now and then a few Hints concerning practice, I should be able to judge better at this Hour than I can now.'”

“Adams particularly recalled being asked if he had read Grotius and Pufendorf, whom Gridley described as ‘great writers.’ Adams had to make lame excuses. “I cannot say I have Sir. Mr. Putnam read them, when I was with him, and as his Book Lay on the Desk in the office for the most part when he had it not in his hand, I had generally followed him in a cursory manner, so that I had some very imperfect Idea of Content….’ ‘[b]ut,’ Adams hastily added, it was his “intention to read them both as soon as possible.”


As a result of his efforts Adams was routinely sworn in at the Suffolk bar on 6 November 1758. He had no formal legal education and only a two years’ apprenticeship in the countryside. But he could talk about Cicero. As Gridley put it to the Court, on moving Adams’ application, “I take it he is qualified to study the law by his scholarship….”


(((From Adam’s Diary))) …’it is my Destiny to dig Treasures with my own fingers. No Body will lend me or sell me a Pick axe.’ And, to an astonishing degree, Adams really was self-taught.

“During the earlier period Adams was technically a student and apprentice, but Putnam was an indifferent teacher. During the later period Adams was technically a full-fledged practitioner, but, in fact, business was slow starting. Under the informal tutelage of Jeremiah Gridley, a great teacher, Adam filled the empty hours between clients with an extensive course of study.

{{{Adams’ reading list}}}”Adams’ Braintree reading under Gridley’s influence. In Adams’ words:’ I have read no no small Number of Volumes, upon the Law, the last 2 years [1758-1760]. Justinians Institutes I have read, thro, in Latin with Vinnius’s perpetual Notes, Van Muydens Tractatio institutionum Justiniani, I read thro, and translated, mostly into English, from the same Language. Woods Institute of the Civil Law, I read thro. These on the civil Law; on the Law of England I read Cowells Institute of the Laws of England, in Imitation of Justinian, Dr. and student, Finch’s Discourse of Law, Hales History, and some Reporters, Cases in Chancery, Andrews Etc. besides occasional searches for Business. Also a general Treatise of naval Trade and commerce, as founded on the Laws and Statutes.”

“But did Adams really absorb this learning? By his own account, “All this series of Reading, has left but faint Impressions, and [a] very imperfect system of Law in my Head.”

“… indeed I never read any Part of the best authors, Pufendorf and Grotius.”


“… this institute is a curious monument of Priestly ambition, avarice and sublety. it is a system of sacerdotal Guile.”


“Adams’ Daiary itself contained crabbed passages that were evidence of painful agony over Wood’s New Institutes of the Imperial or Civil Law and Van Muyden’s Tractatio.

“…’At this time October 1758 the Study of the Law was a dreary Ramble, in comparison of what it is at this day [1802]. The Name of Blackstone had not been heard, whose Commentaries together with Sullivans Lectures and Reeves’s History of the Law have smoothed the path of the Student, while the long Career of Lord Mansfield, his many investigations and Decisions … have greatly facilitated the Acquisition of it.”


” … Adams missed the next Sodalitas meeting at Joseph Dudley’s on 31 January 1765, but the following meeting, on 21 February 1765, was his trun to be host. he entertained the Club “at Blodgets”:…

This was an important meeting in the development of Adams’ political thought and jurisprudence. The topic of conversation was the feudal system and Adams had brought up Rosseau’s hostility to feudal institutions.

“Gridley: … it should also be a Part of our plan, to improve ourselves in Writing, by reading carefully the best English Writers, and by using ourselves to writing — for it should be a part of our Plan to publish Pieces, now and then. Let us form our style upon the Ancients, and the best English Authors.

“Adam concluded:’I hope and expect to see, at the Bar, in Consequence of this Sodality, a Purity, an Elegance, and a Spirit, surpassing any Thing that ever appeared in America. Fitch said that he would not say he had Abilities, but he would say he had ambition enough to hope for the same thing.”

Search Key Words on Social Responsibility


The following key words are from conversations and talks from someone sometime somewhere.

… have …obligation … in … and to assist …..with …

…take on … …or community …, …look at …. to ….society, build … leadership …, and regenerate … … power of … and of …….

 one …served at …, another …as…, and yet  ….

Some … … to contribute … breadth of knowledge and experience to …public ….

… advise … on …questions, but consider … in … perspective of … goals, and we serve as … advocate … … goals.

Although … … successes …achieved , ……not rest on laurels. … know …’ needs …, and …  strive to … address … needs, so that … choice for … matters.”

Testimony from someone


The following some words are from some conversations and some talks from someone sometime somewhere.

“It’s … amazing experience ……gave me ….saying, ‘Email if you need anything,’ or ‘Can I help on any projects?’ … that’s … helpful.

… initiatives reflect …needs … at different points in … careers, from …to … leadership skills.

“… excellence and ingenuity are…bright but …curious; who …, while ….; who …., but at the same time ….”

“…speak … 000…languages and were born in … countries. …more than 100 different …schools and more than …different undergraduate universities worldwide. ……contribute to a vigorous …, in turn, ensures that ….



The following key words are from conversations and talks from someone sometime somewhere.

.. years… before ‘globalization’ became a buzzword …  …

Our … is among the strongest … Yet from the very inception of …, we anticipated the … spreading out roots internationally … Our … is on the cusp of its … anniversary, and a continent away, our …celebrated …of business.

we are …excellence, … same is true… … successfully combined …with a nuanced understanding of local culture.

collegiality across …… is the bedrock of …

… …established in … with the simultaneous opening of o……

… offers broad exposure to …… and ……flexibility.

…couple …unique freedom with a network of …

“We have no … because we want to …, rather than …. If you …from …, you can, and …do. But if …, there is no need …. We …, but …as wide as ….

… answer is as simple s it is unusual —…collegiality is …cornerstone of …culture …

……best work …results from talented …working …, sharing… knowledge, time …experience ….

Generations of … have proved that …foster excellence.

… work  involving multi-jurisdictional issues…

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